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Monday, November 7, 2016

Voodoo or Cat Toy?

Gat and I were looking at craft idea's on Pinterest, when we ran across this awesome do it yourself pincushion. I do a fair bit of sewing and  Gat does needle work, so a pincushion was something that we both would use.  The pin cushion looked like a cute voodoo doll. It wouldn't be one of those crafts that is more for artistic purposes than function purposes.  Charming and useful. I did what most people do on Pinterest, I pinned it and forgot about it.

Fast forward to a couple of months in the future, and I  was looking for something else in my catalogue of saved pins, and stumbled across it.  The website was awesome. Not only did it have clear instructions on how to assemble the voodoo pincushion, there was also a video.  I decided that it was time to make a pincushion.

There was only a small hitch in this plan.  In the instructions, it says to use a gingerbread cookie cutter as a template. I have a lot of cookie cutters, but no gingerbread cookie cutter.  The closest I can get to a gingerbread cookie cutter, is the two headed cookie cutter I picked up at the Mutter Museum. I think there is a certain sort of charm to having an extra head.  Dib, the official cat helper for any craft project did not seem to be all that amused.

Honestly this project took less time than anticipated and I am thinking about making a couple more pin cushions for various people.  My husband remarked that it looked like a cat toy to him, and I can picture it.  I know I have a fish cookie cutter and a squirrel, so perhaps in the future I might add a little cat nip with the stuffing and see if the cats take an interest in more than just a supervisory role.

If you are looking for a craft that you can easily complete in a single evening or you just want to make a small toy, just  out Red Ted Art.