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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Organized by Feeling

A long time ago and what seemed like a planet far away, I used to work in a bookstore.  It was only part time, and I loved it.  I loved the people that I worked with, I loved the books, I loved the customers, even the annoying ones.  It was one of the most fulfilling jobs I have ever had. One of the things that the bookstore impressed upon me was organization.  You need to be able to find stuff, so it was always divided up by genre and then alphabetical by last name, unless you were graphic novels then it was divided up by publisher then sorted by series.  There was always a method to the madness. Always.

Now if you fast forward to the present, and remember all of that lovely organization, you can understand why I might have a problem with organizing the home DVD collection by feeling.  My husband has organized it by what he feels should go together, so if you are in the mood for one type of movie, perhaps this other movie might interest you as well.  

If you were in the mood for a zombie movie, he has all the zombie movies grouped together, except for maybe Shaun of the Dead, because after all that is part of the Cornetto trilogy, and trilogies need to stay together.  At first this sounds like he is just organizing it by genre, but there is more to it.  Part of it seems like it is organized by producer, theme and time period it was released.  After all you have to have heart  and a little bit of poetry in your soul to put all the low budget bargain bin early 90's late 80's movies all together.  I think I lost my heart and maybe never had a soul, because I can't organize by DVDs by feeling.   

If I tried to organize by feeling, you would be stuck with a childhood nostalgia category. It would have movies like: Young Sherlock Holmes, The Cat From Outer Space, Vampire Hunter D and Alice in Wonderland (live action) and would probably leave anyone else tying to find a movie completely confused as to how any of those movies even go together.  I think that organizing by feeling is all subjective because feelings change.

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