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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Please Dinosaur Land, Please!

Old Faithful
I love to travel. One of the things that I like to do when I travel is pick up post cards.  They are often times a light weight memento of somewhere cool I have been to and are normally much prettier than any picture I can take.  I have friends and family that I write to on an occasional basis and I enjoy sending out the post cards to share with them in the adventure.
Extinct Exhibit

I know I wrote not too long ago about Dinosaur Land, but it is on my mind again.  The reason for this is mostly due to me finding my postcards from there.  I hadn’t realized at the time that Dinosaur Land has not changed their post cards since 1969. While the postcards have a certain amount of rustic charm, they don’t give an accurate portrayal of Dinosaur Land. The trees have grown and I pretty sure that the Plateosaurus is no longer there.  Times have changed, and I think you should change your post cards. 

  I am not great photographer, but I beg you, Dinosaur Land, let me update your post cards.  I think there is a lot of unexplored potential and I am willing to do my photographic best to make you a memorable postcard with a lot less spelling errors.  I loved Dinosaur Land so much that I bought a tee-shirt and defiled currency to make a memento.  (I smashed a penny, for those that are wondering.) 

I know it is a hard to make the change and that you are probably really comfortable and possibly sentimental with the old post cards, but here are a couple of ideas that I have for new post cards.  I think they are pretty awesome. 
I am willing to scale the shark for a better shot
Just think how awesome it would be if I was trying.

Everybody loves tacos. 
If you need any advertising help, I have zero experience, but lots of enthusiasm and could probably give you some avenues to explore.  Here’s a hint of what goes on in my brain:  I think that Dinosaur Land would be an awesome wedding location and would give a bride and groom some unique memories. 

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