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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hello Zip Ties

Somedays my brain wakes up and clicks way too fast in the morning and Jon just looked at me as if I am possessed by aliens.  This was one of those mornings. When I woke up this morning, I asked my husband if we had any zip ties.  There were several seconds of silence before he said no and asked me why I needed zip ties.  I quickly explained that I saw this brilliant idea on Pinterest that involved zip ties and DVDs.  Sometimes brilliant ideas are met with a groan and "it is too early in the morning for this" sigh.

I was then told that I was not allowed to zip tie any of the DVDs. That if I did that, I would be a jerk.  I am not allowed to be a jerk.  Part of me really wants to be a jerk to my brother and zip tie weave a lovely pattern on the DVD I bought him. I huge part of me wants to do that. (Last year he opened his DVD's early!!)   That sort of love and torture is what makes the holidays fun. I am sure that booby trapped presents is a sign of love and affection in some culture some where.  If not it could be, given enough time. My brother still laughs and grimaces over the wrench set I got him when we were teenagers. (It was individually wrapped and then laced into a beautiful snowflake shape that took him forty five minutes to open.  It was magical and wonderful and very annoying all in one moment.) (Dont think I am just picking on him, that same year he used a roll and half of packaging tape on my gift.)

My husband is doing his best to make sure I am not a a jerk and refuses to entertain this idea of zip ties.  Even if the idea behind it makes me gleefully happy.   Even though I am not permitted to utilize them at this point; I have been encouraging others at work to utilize that power and festivity of zip ties as alternatives to ribbon, for that extra special person. It seems like there is at least one person in every family, where that little bit effort goes a long way.

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