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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Notes to Self

Sometimes I leave notes to myself.  It is supposed to help me remember things. Mostly I think my  past self is confusing my future self or I should be a little more specific when I leave myself a note.

After all if I am going to leave myself a note that says, "Juggling flaming bags of dog shit. Even if you don't catch on fire, you are still covered in shit. " I should probably follow it up with something specific are at least accredit the quote to someone. Nope. My past self just thought that I would know what I was doing.

Another note just says, "P&P flipped". I have no idea if that was supposed to be writing prompt or perhaps a gift idea. My past self doesn't seem to be very wordy, except with grocery lists.  That note is going to just sit there until I can figure out what I was trying to tell myself.

Even the grocery lists tend to be a little off.  They start of with normal stuff and then slowly turn into something almost sinister:

Lunch meat
Sliced cheese
Cat food
Duck tape
Black bags

The beginning of the list looks like I am going to make breaks fast or lunch burritos and then it looks like I am going to dispose of a body.  My past self sure knew how to multi task and make things awkward for the future self.  I guess if I want to change it, I should probably leave myself a detailed note, so I don't keep leaving book titles, abbreviations and weird lists to myself, because that s what a normal person would do.

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