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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Unicorns are Underrated

Day 2

Unicorns are under rated. Everyone knows what a unicorn is, but very rarely are they a main character.  I was thinking about this over the weekend while I was folding laundry.  I few weeks ago I had picked up two animated films that I had loved as a child. They were The Fantastic Adventures of Unico and Unico and the Island of Magic. I loved those movies as a kid.  They were the right amount of whimsy sugar filled sweetness with a little bit of plot and angst to keep the story moving.

Once you watch one nostalgic film, it is easy to spiral down into a path of re watching other childhood favorites, which is what lead me to rewatching Legend while folding laundry over the weekend and got me wondering about having a unicorn movie marathon.

I quickly discovered that there are not enough unicorn movies to have a marathon.  I can name four unicorn movies.  That is it. There are more leprechaun based movies out there, then there are unicorn movies.  Some how this seems unfair.  Which leads me to believe that unicorns are the under-rated fantasy creature.

Some where are in a time where people just remake movies instead of creating something new, I think they should remake The Last Unicorn into live action.  It's just a thought.  Who do you think would be cast in it?

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