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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thank You 2nd Grade!

Dib helping me write back!
Letter writing is a lost art.  My friend, Faye was teaching her second grade class about how the postal system works and wanted to give them hands on experience.  She needed someone for them to write to and that someone  would write back to them.  I do a lot of letter writing and agreed to  write back to her class. I really had no idea what to say to a bunch of second graders I have never met, but I figured I could come up with something.

My favorite colors are green and blue
It was an unexpected joy to read their letters.  Curiosity of a child is unique and wonderful.   I received questions on the well being of my cats, and queries on color preferences.  Inquiries on how many friends I have and if I have any other friends than Faye, made me chuckle. I was told about their favorite foods and the ones that they don't like.  (I had no idea there was a kid out there that didn't like mashed potatoes.)  They were very direct in their questions and wanted to know about things that were important to them. (Which seemed to be: pets, food, and favorite color.) My fears of wondering what to write back to them about were unfounded. In fact I could have filled several pages with trying to answer all of their questions. There is always something to say.

I like video games too!

I can only hope that they enjoy receiving letters back as much as I enjoyed receiving them.  I think there is something special about receiving a letter in the mail. It is a future gift sent from the past self. You never know what the future will hold. If anything, this letter writing exercise certainly helped me gain perspective that there is aways something to say and to never stop asking questions.

Thank you 2nd Graders for making me smile!

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