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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 1

November Challenge
Day 1
Every November for the past seven years, I have participated in NaNoWriMo.  It is something near and dear to my heart, that challenges me and makes me a better person. This year is the first year that I am not actively participating in NaNoWriMo.  I find that I write these stories and then never touch them again.  No editing is done, no re-writes, no spell checks, it just remains a raw piece of work. 
I keep telling myself that I will eventually get to editing, the hard part of getting the idea out of my head it done.  I have discovered that I am really talented at procrastinating. It is unfair for those ideas that made it onto paper not to be polished up just a little bit.  
Instead of adding to the pile of stories that need a good scrubbing and detangling, I am going to do two things instead.  One, I am going to pick one story out of the pile to be edited and really start editing it, to see if it is a diamond or just a lump of coal. Two, I am going to post something on my blog every day that NaNoWriMo runs.  The reason for the blog post requirement is to give myself a writing challenge, but perhaps one not as aggressive as NaNo.  I tend to get lazy if not given a challenge, and lately trying to get any of the half-baked idea’s out of my head and onto my blog has been a challenge. 
For all those that are taking up the pen and pouring out the words, Good Luck!  Happy Writing, and if all else fails, kill a character. 

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