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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sticky Conversations

Conversations with my niece are the best.  She might not think so.

Hailey: What is your favorite flavor of taffy?

Me:  Uhh..... Strawberrry?

Hailey: Pumpkin Donut Taffy is mine.

Me: What?

Hailey: Puummmppkiiinn. Dooonnnuuutttt Taffy

Me: I have never heard of it.

Hailey: I'm eating it, right now.

Me: What is the donut part of the taffy?

Hailey: ...What?

Me: You know, the donut.  It is kind of like a cake but frosted or glazed and people eat them for breakfast.

Hailey: Aunt T, I am talking about Taffy!

Me: Me too.  I just want to know what the donut part of the taffy is.

Hailey: It is just pumpkin!

Me:  Then why is it called Pumpkin Donut if there is no donut in it?

Hailey: Because that is the flavor.

Me: I know what pumpkin tastes like, but there are so many types of donuts out there, so I want to know what the donut component of the taffy tastes like.

Hailey: You're weird.

Me: Sprinkles?  Do you think it tastes like sprinkles?

Hailey: Insert exasperated sigh, that only a ten year old can give with conversing with adults that just don't seem to get it.

Laffy Taffy Joke: What kind of shoes do mice wear?    

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