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Monday, November 20, 2017

Postive Alphabet - A- Z

It is not uncommon knowledge in my family that we suffer from depression.  Not everyone wants to admit it, or even acknowledge it, but it is true.  Sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to know that everything is going to be okay eventually. I mean Okay, and not great, no one can promise great.  

A year ago, I started a project for a positive alphabet.  An alphabet to remind myself that it is okay and to try and be positive. I know that just telling someone to think positive, is not actually an proven method to come out of depression. However, I think that this helped me a little bit get out of the suffocating hole of endless crippling self doubt and helped flip a switch in my brain to focus on the words instead of the shadows deepen in the recesses.  These words work for me, and when I have that pitch black moment where my skin feels like it everything seems futile, I try remember what each letter of the alphabet stands for.  You wouldn't think that 26 letters would be difficult, but it can be.  

I know that not every one will agree with these words, and I hope they don't.I hope that they come up with their own alphabet that makes them step back from the edge.  They might not make sense for everyone, but they make sense for me.   What would be on your positive alphabet?

  • A -Altruistic
  • B- Bibliophile
  • C- Candid
  • D- Dependable
  • E-Empowering
  • F- Forgiving
  • G- Gemutlichkeit
  • H- Human
  • I-  Imperfect
  • J- Judicious
  • K- Keen
  • L- Loyal
  • M- Morphing
  • N-  Natural
  • O- Original
  • P-  Plucky
  • Q- Quality
  • R- Resilient
  • S- Sincere
  • T-  Tenacious
  • U- Unique
  • V-  Vibrant
  • W- Worthy
  • X-  XO
  • Y-  Youthful
  • Z-  Zesty

For those that are frequent flyers on this blog. Yes, I had posted part of this alphabet previously.  I was not happy with the post, and felt it was more appropriate to update and repost

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