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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dreams of Work

Last night I had a dream that I was at work.  Dreams like that normally leave me feeling unrested and normally running my tongue across my teeth to make sure they are still in my mouth.(I once read if you dream about teeth, you are anxious) The dream I had last night left me feeling happy when I woke up. 

The dream started out sad.  It started out with being notified that my favorite customer from when I worked at the bookstore had passed away.  I haven’t worked at the bookstore for little over half a decade, but I can still remember my favorite customers. 

This particular customer liked to come at the end of the night. He had long dark hair, a small smile and walked with a limp and a cane.  He like to come at the end of the night, because it was less crowded and he was less self conscious of his limp and sometimes it would take him all day to get his limbs to work.  I remember him telling me once that he was once in service and things didn’t go well.  He loved music, and when he was in pain and couldn’t go anywhere, he was able to escape into music. If it was slow , we would chat for a bit about music as I applied every coupon he had to the latest additions to his already extensive music collection. 

In my dream, my favorite customer had died.  It was sad and I was shocked. I was even more shocked to find out that he had left me an inheritance to the amount of double the value of my home, so that I could pay my house off and still be comfortable. I had no idea.  The solicitor handed me a note and a check.  I opened the note (and listened to it being narrated by the recently deceased,) that stated they had included me in their will, because I had always been nice to them and treated them with respect and kindness and those were rare qualities to find in a person.

I woke up feeling really good about myself. If I could be remembered for anything, I think I would want to be remembered like that. I would want to be remembered as a person that treats other people with respect and kindness.   It doesn’t matter what you do or where you work, it matters how you treat people. 

Today when I went to work, I tried to be a little nicer and chat with my coworkers a little more. I want my dream self to be just as nice as my awake self. 

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