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Sunday, November 5, 2017

One Word

“This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until its done. It's that easy, and that hard.”

Neil Gaiman

This quote comes to mind when ever I write letters. I don’t always know what I am going to say, or even how to say it. I also lie to myself when I write and tell myself that spelling doesn’t count, is is the thoughts behind the words that count.  After a letter is in the mail, I will then ponder over everything I wrote and drive myself crazy over any spelling errors I may have made.

Recently I have decided to bump my letter writing game.  I decided that I would participate in the Adopt a US Soldier.  The AAUSS is a non-profit organization that has volunteers send letters of encouragement and gratitude to deployed men and women in over 141 countries.  Supporting a soldier to me feels like supporting a human that is trying their best to make the world a better place.  It is not the same as supporting a political party.  The way I look at it is that everyone at one time or another has had a terrible boss, and you either do your best with what you have and try and make the world a better place or you move yourself to a better place and hope the next boss isn’t as terrible. (I know I went off on a tangent.)

To sum it up, I am sending a letter at least once a week to a person I don’t know. That person may or may not write me back.  I think I can handle this. It is just like Neil Gaiman says, “...You put one word in front of the other until it’s done. It is that easy and that hard. “

If you want to look into the AAUSS program, please visit their website.

If you want to look at awesome stationary, La Papierre is one of my favorite Etsy stores.

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