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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Cleaning Up 2016 Messes

It is a new year and with a new year, people lament over the past year and look to make resolutions to make their lives better in the new one.  I don't make many resolutions at the beginning of the new year. Mostly because I am a creature of habit and on January 1st all I want to do is lounge around in my pajamas , drink a cup of hot tea and watch the Orange Bowl Parade.  I do not want to be philosophical about what I want to accomplish over the year, because what I want to accomplish doesn't typically change from year to year.  I want to strengthen my family bonds. I want to go on adventures.  I want eat good food and be happy. Those are the same things that I want every year, and I try to accomplish every year and I don't need a resolution to do it.

However in the spirit of making a fresh start for the New Year, I thought I would attempt to clean up some of my messes from the previous year. Sometimes life gets messy and bubbles up and spills molten cheese and possibly tomato sauce all over the place and it is often time much easier just to ignore the mess than to clean it up.  Today was the day to clean it up.  The "It" I am talking about is the microwave.   Sad to say, that unless I am actually using the microwave I don't normally think about the condition of it.  I realized that I had a golden opportunity to try one of those Pinterest experiments.

On Pinterest I found a super easy way to clean a microwave that consisted of two ingredients and minimal effort.  Pretty much it was a combination of equal amounts of  white vinegar and water and then you microwave it for 10 minutes to steam clean the microwave and you wipe out the residue.

It seemed like the perfect way to be cleanlier and lazy at the same time.  Sort of a work smarter not harder theory.  I want to say that this theory worked somewhat.  It isn't a perfect cleaning solution, but it certainly loosen the unidentifiable splatter matter and made the cleaning easier, and the smell of hot vinegar has a way cleaning out everything in my sinuses. Sort of a two for one thing going on.

While it isn't a perfect start to a new year, it is a pretty descent start.  I think this little experiment sums up my expectations for the new year. While you can look for the smarter not harder way to do some thing, no matter what eventually you will need to put some elbow grease into things if you want them done right. There is no easy way of doing the right thing. With that all being said, I hope that the new year is kind to you and that you expend you energy on things that are worth doing and are fulfilling.  Happy New Year!

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