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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Arts and Crafts are Hard!

Arts and crafts are hard. I realize that is a really simple statement, but that does not make it any less true.  I have some friends that are incredibly talented.  My friend, Gat, in her spare time creates beautiful pieces of jewelry that I adore.  Each piece is unique and if you buy her a drink or two, she may be sweet talked into making custom pieces.  (I say this, because she totally rescued me for some Christmas gift by creating a couple of master pieces.) My friend, Joe made a really cool  coaster set out of old records and then a record play to hold them in. He acts like it is no big deal, and that any one could do that with a bandsaw and vinyl, but they are totally awesome. Seriously talented friends and much appreciated gifts.

Blows my mind. 
I know this sounds like the beginning of a sales pitch. In a way it is, and in a way it isn't.  It is a sales pitch for appreciation. I really appreciate time, effort and thought that is put into handcrafted gifts. I know that not every one is craft capable and some people don't have time for it.  That is okay.  As much as I like to try and make gifts for the people I care about, I also have become good friends with Amazon and Etsy.  The bulk of the holidays have passed us, which mean my stress levels in that area have dropped considerably and it is time to sit back and relax.  It is time to appreciate the efforts of others, before the weather turns pleasant and the world starts moving in fast forward again and we forget how awesome other people all. It is time to marvel at other ingenuity and creativity and be thankful that they deemed you were worth the effort to create something for.  For all those people that go the extra step and craft a gift, thank you!

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