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Thursday, January 19, 2017

ApocalyptiGirl : An Aria for the End Times

In a moment of insanity I decided to clean out my bookshelf. It was brutal. A part of my brain switched off and if the book was not sentimental, something I would read again, in my to be read pile or something my husband found sentimental or enjoyed, it got shoved in donate pile.  I am sure a little part of me is still curled up in my brain screaming in agony over the separation.

To quiet the screaming part of my brain, I decided to distract it with a graphic novel out of my ever growing to be read pile.  (Holidays have a way of making the to be read pile swell into cat squashing proportions.). The graphic novel I chose to distract myself with was ApocalyptiGirl. An Aria for the End Times by Andrew Maclean.

I am not even sure how to explain this graphic novel.  My brain scatters all over the place and refuses to format words when I try to put it in a category. If there was a category called Beautiful, it wouldn't be accurate, because despite the mesmerizing art style and engaging storyline there is something there that I can't put my finger on.   Something that feel sort of nostalgic, but also like a breathe of fresh air. Perhaps it is the most accurately title graphic novel, and it really is just an aria for the end of times.

I don't know, what it is exactly and when I put my finger on it, I am not sure anyone else will get it. I would highly recommend ApocalyptiGirl for anyone that is looking for something a little different, but different in a good way.

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