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Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Little Bigfoot in My Life

I grew up watching X Files with my dad. I feel like this should explain a lot about my life and things I have done.   Lately I have been listening to a podcast called Strange Familiars. It is amazing.

The host of Strange Familiars is often referred to as "The Big Foot Guy" by those in the field. To me, he is the Bob Ross of the Paranormal world.  The way that he interviews guests is very soothing and sounds very logical.  With this in mind, I was completely inspired to spend part of my anniversary trip driving to Portland, Maine to visit the International Cryptozoology Museum based off recommends from some dear friends.  

The International Cryptozoology Museum is a quaint museum in Portland that has a major appreciation of the hairy hominid.  They touch on several other hidden/unconfirmed legendary animals, but you can tell the love of this museum is the Sasquatch.   I feel like the perfect day is to listen to Strange Familiars discuss the various species of hairy hominids and taking a tour of the museum.  I was not disappointed. 

The Albatwitch is Pennsylvania's little Bigfoot and seems to have a home in York County.  I spent majority of my teenage years and early twenties in York County.  The International Cryptozoology Museum has several foot print casts of the different Bigfoot species and hair samples.  The case of scat raised eyebrows, but not really surprising. The overall love for the subject can be felt with the care that the displays are put together.  I would highly recommend stopping by and taking a tour of the museum and if you are inclined to listen to podcasts, check out  Strange Familiars. You won't be disappointed. 

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