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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Orb of Blue Mystery

Sometimes weird things happen.  Sometimes they don't.  Weird things always happen when you are not expecting it to. I suppose it wouldn't be weird if you were expecting it.  Last night was weird.  My brother sent me a small video of my nephew enjoying the dragon tail that I had made him. My nephew is super cute, how ever that was not the most interesting thing about the thirty second video.  The odd thing about the video was the blue orb that seemed come out of no where and fly at camera.

Maybe it is a dust mote.  Maybe it isn't.   I just know that when you slow it down to 19.5 seconds it looks like there is a face.  It is a blue face and it seems to have eyes, and a gaping maw with a tongue that seems to curl.  If you wait a second or so more you see it flying at the camera phone.  Then again, maybe I am just seeing a reflection of the light at a weird angle. I don't know. It is just a weird thing that seemed to happen for no apparent reason.  What ever it was, it certainly livened up a Monday evening. 

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