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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mushroom Hair

I think that my father might be one of my favorite people to talk to. Mostly because he is weird. Somehow we can start with a really normal conversation and before I know it, it has gone off the rails some where.  The other week we were talking about how old he was getting and how he is more snow on the roof top than anything else.

Dad: I read some where that the copper in shiitake mushrooms will help you regain hair color.  


Dad: Something about how as a person gets older they lose minerals and hair color retention has to do with diet. 

Me: Why can't you just eat a penny?

Dad: You don't digest pennies and they aren't made out of copper anymore.

Me: I know the new ones aren't, but I am sure you can get an old penny.

Dad: I think I would rather take my chances with the mushrooms.

Me: I have never heard that about shiitake mushrooms. 

Dad: It would be nice to have a little bit more color up there.

Me: You could always dye it.

Dad: Then everyone would know. It isn't like a touch of gray.  The mushrooms might bring it back more naturally.

Me: Do you need me to send you some mushrooms?

Dad: I am pretty sure I can just get them at the grocery store.

Me: Yeah, but you have a lot of white up there. 

Dad: Brat.

I have no idea if copper in shiitake mushrooms is true.  A quick google search on them, tells me that they were used in herbal medicines and are fabled to promote longevity. I don't know if that applies to hair color.  With this being said, my dad might be getting a delivery of dried mushrooms in the mail for Father Day.  Who says I don't listen? 

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