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Monday, May 30, 2016

The Search for DecopageSaurus

Downtown Harrisburg decided to do an outdoor art exhibit that revolved around dinosaurs as part of promoting the arts.  After seeing the first dinosaur, I was hooked. I needed to find them all and capture them. They had a certain amount of charm and whimsy and I think every needs more dinosaurs in their life.
 My friend, Lizzy joined me in hunting this big game and listen to me make stupid Jurassic Park jokes along the way.  I love the dinosaur and enjoy seeing the different spin each artist put on them.  Each one is unique and fun and reminded of the cow parade from a dozen years back. (I miss you hamburger cow).  There are a total of thirty Dino's that can be found and some of my favorites include:
Rockem Sockem Dinos and Sugar Sarus. Choco Saurus and Dine-o Saurus also made me laugh.
 Despite might best efforts of running back and forth across second street, I was not able to find all the dinosaurs.  I found 29 out of 30.  The only one that we could not find was DecopageSaurus. There is a map on the website that gives the locations of all the dinosaurs, but sadly Deco was not in its assigned location.  I wasn't sure if maybe it wandered off or perhaps it might have melted in last nights thunderstorms.  I don't know.  Decopage and rain are natural enemies. I do know that I will probably spend a little more time down town this summer looking for my missing dino and hoping he didn't go extinct in the rain.   
 Please enjoy Rubber Duckasaurus until DecopageSaurus can be found.

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