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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sewing Cats

I don't think of myself as creative. I think of myself as someone that can for the most part follow instructions.  This talent of being able to follow instructions is what is leading to a hobby in sewing.  It has first started with a book quilt for a baby shower.  Then there was a giant squid for the White Elephant Party and then swiftly there were several dinosaur tails with only one of them bring haunted and an impressive Nessie that soon followed.
I never thought that I would love sewing.  In fact it was something that I learned as kid, made a couple of disastrous skirts and refused to pick up again except for heming pant legs and fixing pockets. I am quickly finding myself in fabric stores drooling over fabric patterns and trying to talk myself out of purchasing stuff off of the clearance rack.

I think part of my joy with sewing is my sewing companions.  You would think that sewing would be a solitary hobby. I am never alone at the sewing machine.  There is always at least one cat that is vastly interested in what I am doing and may try to help me cut out a pattern or watch me from the other side of the machine.
 I think that it is healthy for my cats my cats to take an interest in my hobbies. It makes them more rounded individuals and gives thems something unique to chat about when I am not around.  That is assuming that my cats talk about me when I am not around in nice terms and not that large slow thing that feeds us the stinky wet food that is delicious.  I don't know what sewing projects are in the future, other then a few secret ones that I can't talk about because they are gifts.  (Dad, don't read this post.) I do know that my sewing buddies will be there, and getting into things, because curiosity is also one of their favorite hobbies. 

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