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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Irish Food and Cooking

Life has been more than a little bit off kilter for me lately, but that is to be expected when the unexpected happens.  The one constant is that I need to eat. This need to eat has been a blessing in disguise.  This need to consume nutrients and the need to for some mental distraction has helped propel me in this cook book challenge.  I am pretty sure that Irish Food and Cooking is all based off of comfort and family, or at least it tastes like it to me. 

The Irish Food and Cooking Cookbook I picked up when I was worked recreationally at a bookstore.  If there was ever a bookstore that made an impact on my life, Borders was it. I will save my antidotes of pages goes by, for another day, but while I was there I was enthralled by the cookbooks by Hermes House Publishing.  They were often in the bargain area, and cost less than the mozzarella pretzel and large chai tea with soy milk, and certainly a lot longer lasting.  

Flipping through the cookbook, I realized that everything looked delicious and that for once the main courses held a whole bunch of appeal.  Settling on a main course, mostly because a woman cannot live off of potatoes alone, I settled on Bacon Chops with Apple and Cider Sauce.  Interesting fact, bacon chops are pork chops.  Or at least they are for me, seeing that if they would market pork chops as bacon chops I would never be able to buy them in the grocery store again, since there is a weird bacon craze going on.  (Maybe not a weird bacon craze, since bacon is tasty, but cheese is also tasty and so is chocolate.) (I also feel like the queen of run fragmented on sentences, but at least I am the queen of something.) 

I have to say that I was blown away by how awesome this recipe turned out. It was also pleasing to me that I didn’t spoil the recipe by using pear and apple hard cider, since I did not have anything else. I count it as a win that I even have hard cider in the house, since it disappears rather quickly.  Having a meal turn out well, and adding a recipe that I would seriously use again and maybe even trot out for company is a boon. 

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