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Sunday, February 1, 2015

CSA: The Lovely Turnip

I have been really behind in everything. It was my original goal to write about what I got in my CSA every week and ease myself back into writing regularly.  That has not happened. I don't like excuses, and me giving and excuse for not writing leaves a bad taste in my mouth, because it is a lie.  I have been writing, just not here.  The thing that I wrote, even got published in the paper. A normal person would think that I would be over the moon to having something published in the paper. In fact some people would believe I would do a little jiggly happy dance around my kitchen crooning to my cats while my husband smirks at my antics. The truth is, what I wrote was not really something to celebrate. I wrote my brothers obituary.

Just typing that sentence out, causes crickets to chirp in the silence of my mind.  It has not been an easy January.  I am not going to talk about it at this point. I may to so later, but for the past two weeks I have done nothing but talk about it, which is why I am not really going to do so now. Instead I am going to admit failure with turnips.  My box from Strites (my CSA) came and there were turnips in it. I had to laugh, as I heard my husbands groan.  I am pretty sure that he would rather we get some weird squash we had never heard of, or perhaps more cider or apples, than a dozen turnips.

I want to like turnips. I thought I did. The recipe that I procured from my friend, Clay was wonderful; however a person needs more than one recipe for turnips.  The same recipe over and over again for the same ingredient loses luster. I only have one recipe and having made it twice, my husband has thrown in the towel. The want to like something is not the same as actually liking something. I want to believe that turnips and me can get along, and that they are not the bastard child of a potato and a radish that have a texture close to pears. (Pears are my arch enemy. To me, they are bland wet fruit rolled in sand.  My husband disagrees.)

All is not lost with the turnip, because it turns out that the turnip is massively photogenic. I wish I could say the same for me. The turnip is so photogenic that my older brother set it as my profile picture on his phone.  I am now as lovely as a turnip.

I can only shudder to think what is going to be in next weeks CSA, but overall I have been pleased with what we have received in the last few weeks. The over all experience has forced me to try new recipes, organize my meals and think out side of the box.  I am looking forward to the summer CSA.  Below is a list of what is in the boxes I have received, and it does include more than just turnips.

Winter CSA #7

In the Box:
Gala Apples
Kabocha Squash

White Potatoes
Multigrain Bread
Winter CSA # 8

Red Delicious Apples
Apple Cider
Brussel Sprouts
Spaghetti Squash
Redskin Potatoes

Winter CSA #9

Fuji Apples
Red Onion
Winter Squash
Dried Apples
Red Potatoes

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