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Friday, May 31, 2013

Red Dress Letter

I am sporadic in reading blogs, probably just as sporadic as I am writing them. I read a wide variety of blogs. My friend Lizzy introduced me to The Bloggess by reading about a giant metal rooster out loud.  I was in tears with laughter. I wasn’t hooked onto the Bloggess until Lizzy showed me the Traveling Red Dress. The Traveling Red Dress had me in tears, but not of laughter. I found the piece incredibly beautiful and true on so many levels. (I am tearing up right now, just thinking about it.)
Lizzy really took the Red Dress message to heart, and took the step further then just reading and crying over a really touching post, she held a Red Dress event in 2012. It was beautiful. It was fun and I have never seen so many beautiful women on one spot. One thing that Lizzy have every attendant to this event do was write a letter to themselves for the future. At an undisclosed time, Lizzy was going to mail the letter out to our future selves.
I got my letter yesterday.
“Dear Self,
                You are probably critiquing yourself and wondering about your sanity, but self don’t worry. You are not insane, you are not crazy, and you are loved and have wonderful people in your life that care about you. Put down the drink, walk away from the edge and call GAT, or better yet text Lizzy or go hang with Maria. Life is good. Sometimes there is a hiccup.
I was speechless. I know myself all too well and know that I don’t cut myself enough slack. I want to think that I can do it all, when in reality I can’t. Nobody can. I know that, but sometimes I need to be reminded that I know that.  I know that all the beautiful women that were with me at the Red Dress event had to send letters to themselves also, and I can only hope that they told themselves the one thing I told myself at the end the note, “Love Yourself”. Sometimes that is the thing that I need reminded on the most.

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