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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cat Guardian

In the event that something were to ever happen to my husband and I, it was necessary to come up with a back up plan for the cats. I know it sounds a little crazy cat ladyish, but seeing as that I am not close to most members of my family and those that I am close to are closer to being in the grave then out of the grave, and that my husbands family has allergies to my little fur children, I had to come up with something. Below is my creation of the very first (to my knowledge) Cat Godparent Guardian Agreement.  Please remember that my real day to day profession has nothing to do with drafting legal documents, so this could probably be improved on by some one with a more legal mind.  Either way, please enjoy.

Cat Godparent Guardian Agreement

(Insert Date Here)

I (insert legal name here) of (insert address here) being of sound mind and willfully make this appointment that (insert your name here) of (insert your address here) to be the lawful guardian and care taker of the following cats (insert both cats legal names here) for the rest of their natural lives provided that I have relinquished hold upon my corporeal form. 

Please note that picture of the cats in questions have been attached for verification and identification. In signing this document you are hereby agreeing to the following terms:

  • Making appropriate decisions regarding clothing, bodily nourishment and shelter
    • Please note that (insert cats names here) have always been considered indoor cats and should always remain so
  • Consistently maintaining annual veterinary visits
    • Authorizing medical treatments or medical procedures in an emergency situation
    • Clipping claw on a biweekly basis
    • Appropriately maintaining pre-existing conditions treatment
  • Committing to the continuation of mental and physical health
    • This is includes and not limited to the following
      • Cat Toys
      • Scratching behind the ears
      • Belly Rubs
      • Cat designated furniture
      • Daily litter box cleaning
      • Occasional wet cat food or cat treats
      • Windowsill availability 
      • Verbal conversation and recognition of achievements and failures
      • Multiple interactions with various people age, size and culture to further develop mental adaption
    • Please see attached current house sitting expectations for any additional instructions concerning mental and or physical health. 
  • In the event of their demise the following is expected:
    • Two day wake complete with libations.
    • Burial at sundown under a shaded tree or blooming bush at sundown
      • A small plaque or marker should be commissioned for the deceased that has some sort of representation of the deceased prior to becoming deceased.
    • A salute in various birds calls should be made for a full minute in place of a moment of silence
      • If there is no on available to do bird calls a celtic whistle can be used in its stead.
    • Eulogy must be read to an audience of beloved friends and remaining relatives
      • If there are no friend or relatives available a small donation in the amount of local currency that is equal to the age of the cat in cat years should be donated to a local animal shelter in the name of the deceased.
    • If in the event that one cat should pass before the other of natural causes, a companion cat will be provided for the survivor of an appropriate age. 

In Witness where of we have hereunto set our signatures this ___ day of 
____________, 20__.

Signature of Owner


Signature of Cat Guardian

Signature of Witness

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