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Monday, June 3, 2013

Ducks and Aliens

I am pretty sure that birds of a feather flock together and this actual conversation via text certainly proves it. 

Me: What's up?

Faye:Nothing, I am just staring at a mallard that is outside the window

Me: Is the mallard staring back?

Faye: No, He's watching the cars drive past.

Me: That's good. It would be a little weird to be in a staring contest with a duck.

Faye: True

Me: It could be a weird obsession you have that I don't know about it. They might make supports groups for that. 

Faye: lol

Me: I have noticed that you haven't denied it. 


Me: If you deny it now, I would only think that you are trying to cover up the truth. 

Faye: No, they just like me staring at them

Me: So you say you are enabling an obsession that the duck has? Sounds a little weak. Do you speak duck?

Faye: Ooooh! Goslings!

Me: How do you know it wants to be stared at?

Faye: Quack

Me: *quirks eyebrow*

Faye: I only stare in self defense

Me: If you stop staring the duck might attack, killing thousands?

Faye: Yes. I'm staring at the duck for the good of all mankind

Me: Sounds a little feather brained to me.

Faye: That's what they all say

Me: Who is they? Is this a duck conspiracy theory?

Faye: Shhhh! No one is supposed to know.

Me: Oh, Right. We don't want another incident with the men with white jackets again.

Faye: Correct. No more trips to the padded room

Me: Okay. Carry on. Save the world from the deadly duck invasion.

Faye: What do you think would be worse: alien or duck invasion?

Me: A Howard the Duck invasion would have both covered

Faye: Never seen Howard the Duck

Me: Well, that is a special movie in move, duck and space alien history.

Faye: Interesting...

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