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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Moving is Hard to Do


I am sad. I had a lovely blog on, but as lovely as it was it was not to be. It feels like every time I turn around the server is being knocked down and I can't get into my blog to update and check stats. I am not a huge blogger, and I know that I do not have a huge following, and will probably never have a large following, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy good service.  I do not feel like I was getting good free service from, so the thought of purchasing additional services from them did not settle well on my mind.

I am sad. I hate to change and to say good bye, but slowly it will be farewell to as I slowly remove my content from there and reload the content onto a new Blog server.  If you are one of the few that do regularly read my blog, please be prepared for a new look, and some old content being re-looked, re-edited and reposted.

Dib Cat is not amused.

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