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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pilfered By A Cat

It has been documents that some animal have a sixth sense for natural disaster. There have been reports of hens not laying eggs, cows not giving milk, dogs dancing in circles  hours and sometimes even minutes before the unforeseeable strikes. Cats and dogs are said to be a lot closer to nature and therefore more likely to be aware of the rumblings of mother earth. 
Knowing this, I can't help but wonder what Iggins is trying to tell me, because is behavior gets odder and odder. The evidence starts out as it simply being a cat, but as it piles up one has to wonder what the cat knows. 

  • At Christmas, Iggins had secreted 8 toy mice into a secret stash. With him being a cat I didn't think too much of it, until he started to secret other things.  
  • I love tea and have a pretty good selection of loose leaf tea.  Iggins had attacked the tea, and removed it out of the pantry and spilled a good bit of it all across the kitchen floor. 
  • There was a package of graham crackers from the cabinet. We were alerted to the pilfered graham crackers by the crackling of package as the Iggins tried to covertly move grahams from under the bed to his secret stash.  We had the move the crackers into the night stand, so that he could no longer reach them. 
  • A few weeks later, I come home and see a shiny square golden cube on the floor. I pick it up and discover that it is the bouillon out of the cabinet. Checking the cabinet, I quickly assimilated that the three packets of bouillon had been pilfered.  With much searching, I was able to recover all of the bouillon, except one. I have no idea where the one cube is at. 
  • A week and half after that, I am in the library. I am trying to reorganize the books, since I had just built a new shelf.  Glancing in the hall, I see Iggins with a stick of bouillon again. I can tell that he is not all that thrilled that I have once again taken away his treasure. 
  • A week after that, Jon stopped Iggins from removing a small bag of rice out of the cabinet. I am not entirely sure how far he was going to get with a bag of rice.
  • A couple of days after the "rice" incident, Iggins comes barreling down the stairs, which is a sure sign to the humans around that he has something that he know that he shouldn't have. After much negotiation and some hard corning of him, it was discovered that he had a contact carrying case
Individually these items, don't seem like they have a lot in common. Tea, Mice, Graham Crackers, Rice, Bouillon. Until I suddenly realized that if I were preparing for the worse, I would try to make sure that my family was taken care of.  Iggins is trying to take care of his family. He stashed the mice for him and Dib for incase of emergency, and then he was trying to create a food stash for Jon and I, so that we would not be forced to dine on kitty flesh.  The only reason that I could think that Iggins would be doing this is if he saw the zombie apocalypse coming and needed time to prepare. That is right, if you look into the eyes of Iggins, you see the fear and raw kitty nerves of one that can see the future, and in this future he see, he tries to prepare to save the ones that he loves, or at least the ones with the operable thumbs.

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