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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Getting Closer to Batman

How many bats does it take to become Batman?  This is the question the question of the week in my house.  It is kind of like the question of how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.  

Last year there was a bat in the house while I was at work. It is easy to think what I would have done at the time, but it is hard to really know what I would truly do.  A year later from the last bat incident, we were revisited by the brown bat. 

Dib was no help with the bat and Iggins hid under a bed.

It started simple enough. I was puttering around the guest room talking to Laura on the phone when I noticed something at the window.  I didn't have my glasses on, and it was a dusky twilight in the room, so I couldn't immediately identify what was going on.  Less then a minute later, it became clear as a bat flew out of the window and at my general direction. 

Oh, did I scream.  Down the stairs I thundered, hollering about a bat as the winged menace followed me.  My husband was less than thrilled about the nocturnal nightmare fuel that now inhabited the kitchen. My husband and father in law collaborated in the bat removal.  I did my part and screamed every time it flapped around and laughed maniacally when not screaming. The bat was released back into the night air. The whole event was kind of like the thrill of a roller coaster, you don't really know what the next turn is going to be, but that rush of adrenaline makes your giddy with anticipation and makes you silly.

In a moment of silliness, it made me contemplate if I am one step closer to becoming Batman. There is some serious bat trauma that has to happen before Bruce Wayne lost his parents that helped shape him.  I have had some not so serious bat trauma. How many bats does it take to become Batman? 

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