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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Battle Jacket

I didn't know that I needed a project until I gained a project. My husband had this brain child where he wanted a battle jacket.  I will be honest. I had no idea what he was talking about for a moment, but having watched a fair number of post apocalyptic movies and listening to punk rock, I could envision a little of what he meant by a battle jacket as he started to describe what he had in mind.  It was a jacket that had patches all over it of things that he felt were cool. Patches of things that he represented. Patches that would bolster his sense of self and make him ready to do battle.

My support in his brain child, is that after he did the hard part of ironing, I would sew the patches on for additional stability. (I really hate ironing. Sewing is cheesecake.)  I had no idea there were so many patches out there.  As they began to trickle in, the plain canvas jacket slowly became something infinitely more awesome.  I have to admit that it is becoming increasingly fun, trying to find a patch that my husband will go nuts over.  This is a unique art form of self expression that is testing my abilities with a sewing machine.  It is a weird sort of sense of accomplishment when I sew an extra difficult patch on.  My husband is is full of high fives and praise when we get another patch finished and it feels lie we are team awesome.  While I was not instantly on board when he explained his project idea, I have certainly seen the light and have found something to love about this project.

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