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Friday, May 31, 2013

Red Dress Letter

I am sporadic in reading blogs, probably just as sporadic as I am writing them. I read a wide variety of blogs. My friend Lizzy introduced me to The Bloggess by reading about a giant metal rooster out loud.  I was in tears with laughter. I wasn’t hooked onto the Bloggess until Lizzy showed me the Traveling Red Dress. The Traveling Red Dress had me in tears, but not of laughter. I found the piece incredibly beautiful and true on so many levels. (I am tearing up right now, just thinking about it.)
Lizzy really took the Red Dress message to heart, and took the step further then just reading and crying over a really touching post, she held a Red Dress event in 2012. It was beautiful. It was fun and I have never seen so many beautiful women on one spot. One thing that Lizzy have every attendant to this event do was write a letter to themselves for the future. At an undisclosed time, Lizzy was going to mail the letter out to our future selves.
I got my letter yesterday.
“Dear Self,
                You are probably critiquing yourself and wondering about your sanity, but self don’t worry. You are not insane, you are not crazy, and you are loved and have wonderful people in your life that care about you. Put down the drink, walk away from the edge and call GAT, or better yet text Lizzy or go hang with Maria. Life is good. Sometimes there is a hiccup.
I was speechless. I know myself all too well and know that I don’t cut myself enough slack. I want to think that I can do it all, when in reality I can’t. Nobody can. I know that, but sometimes I need to be reminded that I know that.  I know that all the beautiful women that were with me at the Red Dress event had to send letters to themselves also, and I can only hope that they told themselves the one thing I told myself at the end the note, “Love Yourself”. Sometimes that is the thing that I need reminded on the most.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Virtue in a Grudge

It has been said that a person can forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.  I hold grudges. I am not afraid to admit it.  I am human. I hold grudges and that is okay.  I don’t think that holding a grudge is necessarily a bad thing.   I think that by holding on to a grudge it could be construed as holding on to your principals.
I hold a grudge against my brother. I hold a grudge because I cannot forget the way he made me feel.  I have refused to have anything to do with him for almost three years now and I don’t see this changing.  My brother, whom has always had a fiery personality, burned a bridge in spectacular style. He acted in a way of disgrace on a very important day for me involving my mother and two of my very dear friends as an unwilling audience. Then he refused to apologize. He placed blame on me and other members in the audience for his actions.  I had an option at this point. I could brush past the pain and harm that he had rendered under the carpet and pretend that everything was acceptable, or I could cut ties with him until he understood the impact that his actions caused and apologized to all parties involved.  By sweeping his actions under the carpet I would be condoning the action that I had found morally reprehensible, and it would eat away at my mental sanity and slowly blacken bits of my soul.  I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t do that knowing that sanity is not always my strong point. I decided that I would need to cut ties with him, hoping that by cutting said ties it would drive home the impact of his actions were not acceptable.
Anytime you cut ties, it either goes with a whimper or a bang.  I don’t think that any one in my family has ever gone out with a whimper. I don’t think it is in our blood to do it that way. My brother did not take the tie cutting gracefully and for months afterwards would I would receive messages on my voicemail that were either trying to pretend everything was under rug swept or full of bile and venom that I was not agreeing with his point of view.  With every call, I felt that it justified my actions of no longer allowing him to be a participant in my life.  Eventually he proclaimed that he had apologized several times and that I was just being stubborn by not accepting that it was some one else’s fault.  In his apology he couldn’t even tell me what he was apologizing for, because he wanted me to agree with him that it wasn’t his fault over the actions that he had control over. 
I will not have anything to do with my brother, the person that shares part of my genetics and flesh and bone, until I get a complete apology and all those that were involved received a complete apology as to the actions that went on that day, not because I am being malicious and spiteful, but because I truly believe that an apology is deserved. If I were malicious and spiteful I would do a full disclosure as to the events that transpired that fateful day, but that would only at additional pain to those that were involved, and I have not disclosed sordid details about the events that transpired to any of the members of the family, or even broadcasted it among my inner circle of friends, because it could be viewed as malice and spite that I was trying to turn one family member against another. I feel it is one of those instances that the only opinions on the actions that had taken place belong to those that were actually there.  
I am not being malicious and spiteful by talking about this grudge. I am merely using this as an example as to why I feel that it is alright to have a grudge. It is alright to stand your ground, when your moral fibers have been vexed by someone that is supposed to be close to you.  I feel that if I did not stand my ground for my values, then I would have lost a piece of myself and become less of a person of worth and fiber that I believe myself to be. I don’t’ want to be a disappointment to myself, and I don’t think that anybody ever wants that.  If you have analyzed why you are holding the grudge and the reasons have nothing to do with malice, envy or spite, but a solid ground upon the values and virtues that you hold, then it isn’t a grudge. It is a moral decision.  Only you can figure out where you want to compromise at, and only you can make that choice.Not every one is going to have the same values. I am sure that my brother would love it if I would just let it drop and we can go back to the relationship that we once had, but if I did that then I would never be able to trust him not to give a replay of the incident that had start this trip of melancholy, but I don’t want a repeat ever. I don’t want to be stuck in the same scenario, because he didn’t realize or understand the importance of his actions and own up to what he did the first time.  I don't want him to think that a general vague apology would always work to fix a specific action. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I hold this grudge that is trenched in my values and I sleep beautifully at night now. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness: a review

I like Star Trek. I have many fond memories of Star Trek. I have seen that last several movies in the theater, even the bad ones, because I can't help myself. Netflix has granted me the ability to watch Star Trek with the original crew, which has satisfied my need for cheesy optimism on days that I am clearly lacking optimism. So when, my husband suggested that we see the new Star Trek into Darkness as a date night, I was thrilled. 

Anytime there is a movie done that has such a huge following and very long and complicated history, it is hard not to place certain expectations on said movie. Having talked with some friends who had already seen the movie and heard about some of the comparisons between Star Wars and Star Trek done by the same director, I considered myself prepared for the worst.

Star Trek Into Darkness was not the worst Star Trek movie I have ever seen. It is is not the best Star Trek movie I have ever seen either. I did not hate the movie. I actually had a lot of fun watching the movie, because of the amount of cheese that was in the movie. If you feel the slightest bit nostalgia for the good old days, they chopped up all the best bits from the previous series and mashed it into this movie.  For the most part the movie is pretty to watch, with all the lovely uniforms and shiny polish of the ship, but as one or two of my friends had noted and was probably in half a dozen reviews, the lens flairs in the movie did get a little out of control. If the lens flairs became a drinking game, then I would probably be in an alcohol induced coma. 

Benedict Cumberbatch played the role of Khan, which while I could watch Benedict Cumberbatch do anything an enjoy it, (he could read the dictionary out loud and I swear my vocabulary would improve tenfold and I would never be bored the entire time) there is something to be said about Ricardo Montalbán . Ricardo is probably always going to be the Khan of my heart.  Don't get me wrong Benedict Cumberbatch did beautiful job, and I could watch him rage for hours at end, and then I would be just like those fan girls that are in love with Loki from The Avengers, but I think that Ricardo Montalbán set the standard for what you want and expect out of a Khan. 

After much discussion with my husband about this movie over a night cap, we came to the conclusion that over all it might have been better if instead of hitting all the high notes of the Star Treks of days gone by, if they took this new reboot and went on an adventure.  It would have been much more satisfying to see the crew in the beginning of their five year mission boldly going out and discovering new life forms in uncharted space.  They still could have worked in some of the cheese from previous Star Trek encounters but it wouldn't have made the movie so very predictable at the end.

Over all I would recommend this movie as a good date movie, because while it isn't fabulous, it isn't drop dead boring. 

Rating: Three Enterprises out of Five

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pilfered By A Cat

It has been documents that some animal have a sixth sense for natural disaster. There have been reports of hens not laying eggs, cows not giving milk, dogs dancing in circles  hours and sometimes even minutes before the unforeseeable strikes. Cats and dogs are said to be a lot closer to nature and therefore more likely to be aware of the rumblings of mother earth. 
Knowing this, I can't help but wonder what Iggins is trying to tell me, because is behavior gets odder and odder. The evidence starts out as it simply being a cat, but as it piles up one has to wonder what the cat knows. 

  • At Christmas, Iggins had secreted 8 toy mice into a secret stash. With him being a cat I didn't think too much of it, until he started to secret other things.  
  • I love tea and have a pretty good selection of loose leaf tea.  Iggins had attacked the tea, and removed it out of the pantry and spilled a good bit of it all across the kitchen floor. 
  • There was a package of graham crackers from the cabinet. We were alerted to the pilfered graham crackers by the crackling of package as the Iggins tried to covertly move grahams from under the bed to his secret stash.  We had the move the crackers into the night stand, so that he could no longer reach them. 
  • A few weeks later, I come home and see a shiny square golden cube on the floor. I pick it up and discover that it is the bouillon out of the cabinet. Checking the cabinet, I quickly assimilated that the three packets of bouillon had been pilfered.  With much searching, I was able to recover all of the bouillon, except one. I have no idea where the one cube is at. 
  • A week and half after that, I am in the library. I am trying to reorganize the books, since I had just built a new shelf.  Glancing in the hall, I see Iggins with a stick of bouillon again. I can tell that he is not all that thrilled that I have once again taken away his treasure. 
  • A week after that, Jon stopped Iggins from removing a small bag of rice out of the cabinet. I am not entirely sure how far he was going to get with a bag of rice.
  • A couple of days after the "rice" incident, Iggins comes barreling down the stairs, which is a sure sign to the humans around that he has something that he know that he shouldn't have. After much negotiation and some hard corning of him, it was discovered that he had a contact carrying case
Individually these items, don't seem like they have a lot in common. Tea, Mice, Graham Crackers, Rice, Bouillon. Until I suddenly realized that if I were preparing for the worse, I would try to make sure that my family was taken care of.  Iggins is trying to take care of his family. He stashed the mice for him and Dib for incase of emergency, and then he was trying to create a food stash for Jon and I, so that we would not be forced to dine on kitty flesh.  The only reason that I could think that Iggins would be doing this is if he saw the zombie apocalypse coming and needed time to prepare. That is right, if you look into the eyes of Iggins, you see the fear and raw kitty nerves of one that can see the future, and in this future he see, he tries to prepare to save the ones that he loves, or at least the ones with the operable thumbs.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Old Blog Link

For those that are wondering what the old blog site was:

I am still working on loading everything from that website onto this one.

Friends, Fairies and Buddha Buddha

It isn't easy to make friends at any age. It seems like the older you get the harder it gets.  I don't know if it is because you don't have that constant influx of new people to choose from, or if a person just gets pickier about what they want in a friend.  When you are a kid, you get dragged into so many activities, whether it be a sport, or music or dance, and then you have school to try and make friends at. Surely some one some where will have the same interests that you do. It is inevitable.  Then once you make a friend you have to figure out how to keep it.  That normally involves a lot of trial and error, because what if the thing that you once had in common is no longer in common, how to you stay relevant?  A person can't stay in tee ball for ever.

Giving this some thought, it all boiled down to one thing.  To find a friend and to keep a friend, all you have to do is do something. It doesn't matter what that something is, just do it.  I know that sounds pretty vague, so I will give you some examples as to what I mean by something, but something is different for every one.

Doing something with current friends, gives you time to bond and something new to discuss.

For example:
In Glenn Rock every year for the past twenty two years there has been a festival.  Sproutwood Farm is the exact location and it caters towards those of a whimsical manner.  There are vendors of various shapes and sizes and plenty of people in costume, that ranges from goblins to fairies to a little bit of steam punk with wizards thrown in just for the fun of it. It is all mixed in together and normally comes out wearing glitter. 

A group of us went down (GAT, Lizzy, Barbie, T2 and myself if you must know). It was $15 plus $5 for the vehicle. It was nice. There were lots of shops and lots of things to see. A little bit like the Renaissance Fair, because you end of with some of the same vendors there, but that really isn't a bad thing.  The food was expensive, but everything we ate was wonderful, and as a small bonus everything they use could biodegrade.  There was live music, men in kilts, men painted green with only sparklie gold boy shorts on, there were women trussed up in corsets that made you wonder if they could breathe, much less bend over.  There was so much to take in and to look at that it gave us something to talk about for weeks afterwards, because things we saw could not be unseen.  The point was, that we did something, and there for renewed our bond. 
A wizard did it.

Making new friends is intimidating. I am not going to lie, I am not the most relaxed laid back person there is. I get anxiety of all sorts of things, and most of those things aren't worth the anxiety that I put into them. 

Example of New Friends

My dear friend Nic wanted to introduce me and let me get to know a new friend in her social circle.  I am awkward, so needless to say this was going to have to involve some sort of libation to get this accomplished. She knew just the place that would hopefully set the laid back mood that she wanted. Buddha Buddha in Harrisburg was the spot.  So on an awkward Thursday night, with a day that seemed to use up all the karma points I had earned for the year, I traversed to the destined location. Swallowing a little bit of liquid refreshment, I began to relax and banter (that could have been a good thing or a bad thing) and the little trio of us soon to a quartet. And with in moments we went from a quartet to a quintet and all of this was done with out any of us busting out into song. (Thank God! I can't sing or harmonize!) After a long evening of banter, horse play and high spirits, I left the evening with three new friends and secure in the knowledge of the linage of the cocktail that I had consumed at some point and a love for the crazy pair of heels that I was wearing.  The next morning was not easy,  (I didn't drink enough of anything to be burdened with a head ache or hang over) because my brain nit picks, and makes me wonder if I jumped though a rabbit hole or not.  I don't know. The only way to find out is to do something and see if the same results happen again.  Will we the group of us be just as charming, witty and utterly delightful if we were to hang out again. I don't know, but I do know that if I don't find out, then I will never know. Which leads me directly back to the reason to for this blog. To make friends and to keep friends, the only thing you have to do is something, anything, just not nothing.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Black Mirror- Batman

Welcome to another review of a Batman graphic novel. This is a quick review of The Black Mirror, by Scott Snyder, Jock and Francesco Francavilla.  I promise that I do read other things other than Batman, but there is a sense of comfort in Batman. I liked this graphic novel.. There is on pattern that a Batman graphic novel does pose, and that is a good mystery.  This is a good mystery on top of it being a good Batman graphic novel.  In the beginning there is a lovely forward that explains to you that Bruce Wayne is not Batman. (Incase you are wondering Dick Grayson is playing the part of Batman and Damian Wayne is playing the part as Robin) I liked knowing that up front. That way I didn't feel betrayed the moments when Batman isn't following the pattern that  Batman should be following. I don't like feeling like I am missing an integral part of this story by not reading Final Crisis for the back story that precedes this story arch.
In this Batman mystery, it fleshes out our favorite police detective, Jim Gordon in a much more human light. When you have a solid incorruptible detective, you almost enjoy finding out about the skeletons in the closet that come out and haunt him from time to time. You get to enjoy the ride of internal struggle as the evidence begins to pile up and identify the villain.  There are few parts that can be considered predictable, but on a whole, that isn't a bad thing.  When I finished the last page, the graphic novel left me with a feeling of deep sadness for Jim Gordon. Any novel, graphic or other wise that leaves you feeling some thing with the last page is a good read.

Friday, May 10, 2013

And Elf, A Horse and Wolf Walk into the Woods...

From the secret video game journal of Nic:

"So I am rather new to the world of video games, I mean the recent world of video games.  I played on an Atari and then Mario brothers on Nintendo to death as a child, and I had a brief stint where my stepbrother let me play Sonic the Hedgehog when I was in High School, but that probably only equated to 10 hours of life of my play time.  But now with a shiny Xbox and all the DVD and blue ray possibilities it has, sitting in my bedroom attached to the 50 in plasma screen, it seems to beckon the need for some game time.  It also gives me something else to do besides just read or watch movies.  I invested in Portal 2 a few months back and beat the game.  Whoo hoo, go me!  Recently I have had more free time on my hands and I have decided to further pursue my mild video game interest.  So after returning some games I bought on a Murphy’s law day, I traded them in for a game I heard very good reviews about: Skyrim.

I am aware the I like role playing games, although I am not entirely sure how I came to this conclusion.  But the idea of an adventure that I can visit any time I want, greatly appeals to me.  I suppose it is the prospect of allowing me to escape this world for a little bit to immerse myself in another. Another form of interactive books and movies, yessssss!  The first night I played it, two nights ago, I spent a good 20 minutes just designing my character.  Other than some rather odd eye color choices, I tweaked and adjusted my avatars appearance to my version of fashion sensible liking. All the cheekbones were correct, chin adequately proportionate, and eyebrows matched nicely, nose fit, and even added some sexy looking war paint!  After a five minute debate on hair color and appropriate name choice, I was ready to go!  Knowing full well I am not yet a master of controls I wandered through the first board and followed my faithful gentleman who seems convinced I saved his life.  I followed him through the labyrinth of the underground tunnels, he did all the fighting (why is he fighting his own people again??) while I focused on following him (thanks for waiting for me while I check out this corner) and why my hand glows and which controls caused me to throw fire  (since I chose a High Elf persona) while I also wield a sword. I also realized I was apparently still marked for death----right, because I am a threat, ha ha ha!  I then muddled about as he kicked the ass of 3 people and I swung experimentally around with my sword about 10 feet away.  After successfully sneaking past a bear and stealing everything I could lay my hands on, and even after picking a few locks efficaciously, I was feeling pretty good about myself and had achieved the first objective, get out of the town being attacked by the dragon!!  Again he thanks me for saving his life??? Well um , sure, glad I could be wall art and still effective at saving your life!  Aren’t you the optimistic type! Feeling like I had accomplished something I decided I was tired of the game for the night and at a good stopping point, so I went to bed.

The next evening, I played again.  I idly noticed the time and their version of the date as I turned the game on.  This time I felt a little more confident about my controller skills and followed my faithful companion to Riverdell (Lord of the Rings enters my mind) where we met up with his uncle. I also noticed I had a hard time seeing, seemed like night falling.  After a conversation in the uncle’s house my companion and his uncle had directed me to take a message to some person up North (is there a rewind on this thing, so I can hear that conversation again??  I was trying to figure out how to remain siting without standing up and pulling out my sword!  Then when I did sit, everything on the table was alluring me to steal it.  How could I steal it when these people were offering to feed me??  That would be rude!  I suppose some of my real responses were going to play out here.) Oh crap,  I missed the entire conversation.  Well, I suppose I should leave.  So out the door I trot to be met with a jealous wife telling me to stay away from her husband. Um, all right, he wasn’t hot, but I get it, I did spend an inordinate amount of time shaping my face just soooo….guess it worked!   I ask her opinion on what she thinks of the war and she softens up, my obvious interest in a war over her husband appeasing her.

Not really realizing the local time, I determine I better get started on my quest.  I figure out which direction is north, and while I am desperately wishing for a flashlight or at this rate-fire, and I head out into the woods.  Within a few feet I hear the howl of a wolf.  I don’t pay this much mind even though before we got to the village my companion killed two of them.  Suddenly in the darkness I see this shape, and …..HOLY SHIT!!!!  My heart rate jumps up as I am attacked by a wolf!!  I fumble with the controls as I see blood smattering across the screen and hear my avatar getting mauled.  I press the button for my sword and the damn thing doesn’t come out, my hands don’t even light up.  Where went my weaponry?!?!?! I hit the button to take me to the screen to pick another weapon to delay the agony of my dying avatar.  I change weapons and click back out to only find I still have no weapon and the wolf continues to maul me to death.  I fight frantically, but I only see my arms swinging. Not a great defense against a wolf and thanks for that note that I am dying and I should take a potion, what so I can delay my death even longer with no weapons??  My heart  still racing as the adrenaline of the scare is real.  Suddenly, my lovely character falls over, dead.


First time for everything.

Whew, take a few breaths.

So I read the new screens meant to inform me as my character regenerates through its (thankfully) endless lives.  I have just learned I might die more than I wanted to.  I magically am back in the town now and I see the time again that I registered seeing earlier in the game.  I realize several hours have passed.  Oh joy!  I can just wait the night out.  That wolf scared the shit out of me and I realize it probably wasn’t the brightest idea to go into the woods in the middle of the night since, now that I pieced that together.  Got it!  I wander around the deserted town wondering if I am supposed to sleep or what and hyperaware of noises.  Might not be the best idea to play this game right before bed. 

I end up wandering into the inn and after I speak to the innkeeper and chat idly then ask him if I may use the alchemy lab, I accidently pull my sword and stab him.  HELLO ACCIDENT!!!  How do I pick the conversation that says “Sorry I am a dumbass new player and didn’t mean to stab you!!” While he draws his sword and he the barmaid make mincemeat out of me.  *Sigh*  Well that didn’t go as planned, my avatar falling over with a thud. Dead again.  Crap.

Reading more now while I regenerate.  Not all of it making sense yet since a lot of it seems to be history-But still cool.  Who doesn’t want to learn about dragons?  I am back at the inn door.  Oh thank heavens the innkeeper isn’t going to try to kill me again since I innocently stabbed him the last time.  Need to figure out my Freudian issue with playing with that button, especially when I am not in danger….  So I play with the alchemy lab and make some cool potion.  Nice!! At this point it is getting light out, so I venture out again and take another path different from the one I was mauled by the wolf on the night before. 

I get halfway down the path and I hear howling again.  God *%$(!)#$  who decided this blasted country should be swarming with wolves???  Thankfully I pull my sword in time and I had done some practicing on a tree during my stalling the night before and I kicked the shit out of this wolf.  I notice though my heart rate had increased again.  Wow, yeah, still not sure I should play this right before bed if I am going to get all riled up because of some image on the screen that I frantically am trying to kill.

Frantically I search the dead wolf while waiting for his pack to ambush me from above and I find a cool stone and I am allowed to take it’s pelt.  I have at least learned to check everything and take everything I can for inventory.  Amethyst stone, check, pelt, check! So I keep trotting along and find a random horse hanging out by a person who appears to be dead.  I jump on the horse and feel a little better that if I meet more wolves I can fight them from atop the horse, otherwise I might have a dead horse…well my wish comes true about 30 seconds later (why didn’t the wolves find him while he had obviously been standing beside this dead person for a while, and why can’t they go gnaw on her??)  I frantically draw my sword thinking I should be keeping it out at this point, and defeat the wolves. I hop off the horse to search them when I hear more wolves, you have to be kidding me??  I swing around and my horse is fighting, so I jump in and slay the wolf.  Well I think I hear another wolf attacking my horse, and in my still sloppy fighting I think I manage to stab my horse.  Next thing I know the horse is trying to kick the shit out of me.   Seriously?!?!  Don’t I have an apple or something to say sorry, I didn’t mean it!!  I try to run away and he chases me, kicking at me the whole time. I swing around and hit the button to jump back on him and that works.  Breathe, just breathe…well that worked.  So we move on. 

We come to a town, sadly not the town I was looking for.  Realizing I am still possibly a wanted fugitive, even though my not so faithful companion who left me to the wolves, said I should join the legion, I wasn’t off the hook yet, and this town had people carrying swords.  Hmmm….  But there is a large castle, so I sneak on the horse (cool!) to the castle.  Didn’t find anything interesting there whereupon I turn around and keep galloping away from the town.  I am trying to go north still and I seem mildly successful at it. I switch back out to the map and see I am nowhere near where I want to be.  Blast. 

Going back to the game, I accidently get off the horse, to find that the horse hasn’t forgotten our misunderstanding and starts to kick the shit out of me again.  Dammit!!  I try to get back on, and eventually succeed. I don’t even think I can leave the horse, he might make it HIS life’s quest to hunt me down and kill me.  We continue to wander as there doesn’t seem to be a path north.  I then come across some weird looking person who tries to throw magic at me, and I tuck tail and run. I haven’t mastered that yet.

So I wander over more of the lovely landscape desperately looking for a way to go north.  I climb this seriously steep ravine that leads north and oops!! Now there are two people who obviously know a lot more about magic than I do!  I try to go to my magic inventory and my novice skills get me killed again in a couple seconds.  At least in the reading this time during regeneration I learn that I can lay on a bed and get some sleep which helps my health. That sounds like a good idea actually.  When I am reborn again it seems I am still on bad terms with the horse though, maybe I will name him Nitpick.  By this point the bed idea appeals to me and I feel that I should leave this lovely world for the sanctity of my bed.  Obviously this Skyrim world is going to take me some time.

Today, I think, before I try again, I am just going to let my horse kill me and see if that resolves our relationship issues. I am not sure, maybe therapy is needed, but I don’t see many horse whisperers around.  Death seems much more like a solution.  Worth a shot, I think. "

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Moving is Hard to Do


I am sad. I had a lovely blog on, but as lovely as it was it was not to be. It feels like every time I turn around the server is being knocked down and I can't get into my blog to update and check stats. I am not a huge blogger, and I know that I do not have a huge following, and will probably never have a large following, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy good service.  I do not feel like I was getting good free service from, so the thought of purchasing additional services from them did not settle well on my mind.

I am sad. I hate to change and to say good bye, but slowly it will be farewell to as I slowly remove my content from there and reload the content onto a new Blog server.  If you are one of the few that do regularly read my blog, please be prepared for a new look, and some old content being re-looked, re-edited and reposted.

Dib Cat is not amused.