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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sarcasm Recognized as an Official Language

Sarcasm Recognized as an Official Language

Sarcasm has been recognized as an official language.  Unofficals from Webster have started that language is a body of words and the systems for their usecommon to a people who are of the samecommunity or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition, and sarcasm falls into that realm as a common communication utilized by those that have not leveled up in years significantly and is a faint cousin to wit.  Sarcasm can  be just as diverse and intriguing as colloquialisms, but with out the pretense of localism. 

Local community college states that adult evening classes are schedule to roll out with new semester to help bridge the communication gap between the five generations in the workforce.  Many have come forward claiming to be naturally fluent in sarcasm and have been speaking it socially for years. Teenager have collectively begun rolling their eyes and loudly sighing at the announcement.

Please see A Challenge blog post for writing prompt. 

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