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Monday, September 4, 2017



The first week of the prompt challenge has gone by.  As some people may recall, I was instructed to write an article that would be worthy of the Weekly World News.  Sadly the Weekly World News is no longer in publication.  A current news source that reminds me of that beloved printing is The Onion.  My goal was to write something that would fit in with their type of articles, which is where the inspiration of Sarcasm Recognized as Official Language came from.  

This weeks prompt is a little more vague, which means the only limits I have are my mind.  I received a one word prompt: Infectious.  When I think of Infectious, I think of movies such as: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Stuff, Omega Man or even a relative more recent film, 12 Monkeys.  

I am not sure what I am going to do with my prompt yet, but it is certainly getting my head moving.  I want to wish lots of luck to Faye on her prompt.  It is about a different kind of infections. (Love.)

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