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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Bored for Life

This weeks blog post is supposed to be about the boring job I ever had.  I am supposed to wax poetically about how I thought would die of boredom.  I wish I could say that I have had a boring job.  When I am paid to do something, I can find something to entertain myself while I get the task done.  It is when I am unpaid that my mind begins to wander and think about all the other things that I could be doing.  An example of this would be, Laundry.

It is one of the unpaid necessary tasks that I do, because I don't want to be wrinkled or smelly.  I think laundry is one of those things that just has to be done, but the thought of sitting and matching socks, makes me want to go dust something.  At least when I am dusting, re-arrange the toys on the shelf and sometimes play with them.  Infinitely more entertaining than trying to finding a white sock to match with another white sock.  Even talking about folding laundry is boring, thankfully the next blog prompt is a little more entertaining.  Next weeks prompt is; "Describe your most memorable family holiday, and explain what made it special for you."


  1. Laundry may be boring but a cat who wants to help by laying in a warm pile of unfolded laundry at least makes it entertaining. Lol

  2. Iggins will bury himself in the laundry and pretend he is an undercover kitty, but sadly that doesn't help in matching socks. Curse you socks!!
