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Monday, August 28, 2017

A Challenge

A challenge.  That is what Faye offered me.  Almost a decade ago, Faye and I acquired a book of prompts called Writers Block by Jason Rekulak.  From time  to time we will challenge each other to write something based off of a random prompt.  Faye threw down the gauntlet and I picked it up. A total of 5 weeks with a random prompt each week. It is a chance to brush up my writing skills and break out of my comfort zone. 

First prompts have been picked.  I have until Saturday to come up with something.  An idea has been percolating since yesterday.  I can only hope that she has as much fun as I am on this challenge.  

Here is the prompt I have been given:

Come back Saturday to see what I have done with it. 

You can also check out Faye's blog to see what she h///as done with her prompt at

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