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Sunday, February 28, 2016

What's That Word Again?

I had this moment where I was trying to describe something and the word I wanted to use escaped my brain before it left the lips.  I don’t even remember what I was trying to describe, because my brain has begun to obsess over the word that I can’t remember, that I know I know. It is as if my vocabulary that seldom gets used decided to stage a revolt.  Or perhaps my ultra-hip teenage niece is right and big words are beyond me. (I doubt this is the case.)
Looking up what I thought the word was, to see if I was correct proved to be a dead end.  I think the word had something to do with morph in it, or at least it sounded like it had in it, but for all I know I could have been pronouncing it wrong in my brain.  The on line dictionary didn’t help much.
It gave me the following words with a brief definition for my consideration:
Anamorphic: intentional distortion of an image
Pathomorphology: morphology of abnormal conditions
Polymorphic: organism having more than one adult form. 
I tried composing letters to friends to see if my brain would unlock and fill in the blank, but had no luck. I am going to have some very confused friends in the next couple of days as they start getting rambling letters from me testing out vocab words.  My next  course of action is to fall asleep and hope that it comes to me in a dream, because some of my best ideas come to me when my subconscious rules, either that or I am just going to have to accept that surest way drive me to the brink of insanity is to think that I know something that I can’t remember. 

1 comment:

  1. has often been a savior to me in times like that.
