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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Princess Ugg

I am trying to catch up on my comics. I have a to be read pile next to the bed that if it toppled could hurt the cat. Half of the pile is comics and half books that have peaked my interest. I don't remember if I actually ever finished a post I was going to write about on Princess Ugg.  I remember starting it and perhaps I lost it in an email to myself, or perhaps I put it off until I got the second volume. 

I love Princess  Ugg by Ted Naifeh.  The art by Warren Wucinich  is superb and the story makes me smile and warms some of those dark corners of my heart. I love comics, but when you read some of the female characters, they tend to be a little flat in most areas except for the chest and fall into stereotypes.  Not all comics are this way and the female role in comics in general has evolved a lot over the years. Princess Ugg is another step in that evolution.   

The beauty of Princess Ugg is that despite the fact that it is a story that has to do with a gaggle of princesses and one princess that doesn't quite fit in with the rest of them, it is really a story about the art of diplomacy and how finding the right way to do things is not always the easiest way to do things. I think that is a good lesson to remember no matter what age you attain.  I would highly recommend picking up both volumes of Princess Ugg and adding it to your library. It is a good read for all ages. 

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