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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hyperbole and a Half

This book was a gift from my brother in law. I was confused by the many different colored pages, and all the pictures and I have come the conclusion that I have a flawed concept of art.  I didn't immediately gravitate to Hyperbole and  Half by Allie Brosh, because I was being judgmental about artistic quality. It could be because the art style is similar to a lot of popular memes out there, and I am really tired of memes and I didn't want to read a book full of them. I didn't want to read something that would be vapid and self gratuitous.  I can be a real jerk sometimes, and I did the one thing that a person should never do and that is judge a book by the cover.

Thankfully I got over myself, and cracked open the book. Hyperbole and a Half is not a book full of memes. It is a charming book full cleverly drawn antidotes.  They aren't your usual stories of everything is fine and nothing every really happens. Some of the stories talk about serious mental health subjects in a self deprecating manner that any one who has ever been touched by depression or anxiety can easy relate to and understand.  Not all of the antidotes have to do with depression or anxiety, but there is a mix of stories from childhood and current adventures and the confusing nature of dogs, which brings a well rounded depth to this book.  I found myself crossed between laughing and crying in more than one section of the book.

"Packing all of your belongings into a U-Haul and then transporting them across several states is
nearly as stressful and futile as trying to run away from lava in swim fins." -Allie Brosh

The confusing many different colored pages made sense once I started reading the book. Each section of colors is a different antidote and that little bit of genius made this book really easy to find my place if I had to put the book down and resume reading it later.   I wish more collections where set up this way, but then the odd bits of scrap paper and wayward receipts and movie stubs wouldn't be utilized as bookmarks as much.  The confusing art and style isn't confusing when you actually sit down and read the book, the style is perfect.  This book was the perfect gift that I didn't know that I wanted until I had it.  I have never been so happy to be wrong about something.

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