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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fine On The Side

 Bradley's Complete Gas Grill Cookbook looks scarier than in really is. I thought that this hard back book from 1982 was going to have dated and possibly some recipes that were going to make my husband cringe and me question my sanity, especially since the cover shows a family that is grilling way more food then the four of them were going to consume. I am trying to intermingle the scary cookbooks with the not so scary cookbooks, so I don't have a month and the end where I am writing about nothing but jello molds.   

It took me a while to figure out where we had acquired this cookbook, since it isn't in usual fair to purchase cookbooks prior to when I was born. After much soul searching and brain racking I figured it out, and figured out why I have this book that I have never cracked open until yesterday. My grandmother gave this cookbook to my husband for Christmas along with instruments of grilling destruction years ago. The cookbook when with the other cookbooks and the grill tools went to hang out with the grill for future use. 

The book survived the great and terrible purge of books, because it came from my grandmother. I don't talk to my grandmother all that often, mostly because the older I have gotten, the more we clash. I use to be much closer to my grandparents and it was really nice to be around them and to chat with them, but now it is just awkward.  I am not doing anything of interest for them and I am past the age of asking for advice and I have grown out of cute grand daughter stage a long time ago and married a boy who doesn't tuck in his shirt and has long hair.  We are people that hold different interests in life and we don't have a lot of common ground anymore. It is sad, but true. When there is something that can link us together even for a moment I hold on it, which is why I held onto this cookbook. 

The recipe that I chose was the Mushrooms On Skewer on page 110 in The Fine on the Side section of the book.   Basically it calls for mushrooms, butter and dried rosemary leaves with some pepper and chives. There was only one way that I could mess this recipe up, is if I stabbed myself with a kabob stick and bled all over the place. I had a little bit of fear that I would die because of a kabob stick puncturing a vein and my part vampire red head abilities would flair up causing me incredible bits of agony and a slow and terrible death like I had been staked in the heart, because after all a mini stake is still a stake and heart and hand start with the same letter, so there was a slim possibility of death. With this in mind I  added was a little bit of garlic powder, because I am convinced that everything is better with garlic and if I am going to die by being skewered by a stake, then might as well add garlic to that burn. I fortunately did not stab myself and die by skewer and have lived to cook another day.   

I made four skewers of the mushrooms and then decided that I would really like some bacon with my mushrooms and the rest of the skewers got wrapped in bacon, because who doesn't want more bacon in their life and grilled bacon and mushrooms sounds like an awesome pizza selection to me.  Mostly because I am a grilling champion and because I had a glass of wine in me to keep me from fussing with the mushrooms every five seconds like I normally would,  everything turned out well. The tasted good, but didn't knock my socks off the way that balsamic vinaigrette mushrooms do. The smoke and the rosemary was a good combo that was pleasing to the taste buds. 

Will I use this recipe again? Probably not, but I am willing to try other recipes out of this long forgotten cookbook.  There were actually quite of few off beat recipes that sounded good and look relatively simple to make. There were also a few other recipes that might require me to learn how to butcher a pig if I ever want to get the exact right cut of meat.  At this point I am going to forgo the butchering and stick to the simple.  I now have completed 2 cookbooks out of 57 for those that are keeping score on this cooking challenge.   

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