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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Fat Goblin

When last we left our heroes in Descent: Journeys in the Dark they had just finished rescuing some of the crop bundles in the village. It was now time to rescue the kidnapped villager and let the humble farmer in rough sewn clothing get back to farming.  Grisban the Thirsty despite his deep need to quench his throat trudged along with the rest of the crew and even passed a healing potion to Asherian, which brought her back to full health and in a mood to dance. The combined adrenaline of a successful battle and the sweet after affects of a healing potion put her in an optimistic mood.  
 Leoric of the Book and Avric Albright were not thrilled that Asherian wanted to dance, mostly because she had no rhythm.  The only dance she was good at was in battle with her ability to stun adjacent enemies. Grisban mostly muttered how he could be enjoying a good pint, but no, they had to go rescue some ungrateful farmers learned brother.
When our heroes reached the dwelling that belongs to Sprig, The Fat Goblin it had been decided that Asherian was going to take the lead and Leoric and Avric would chill and recoup some stamina before going in to the cobweb infested foyer. Grisban was cool with this, because it gave him time to catch his breath. His little dwarf legs were not meant to keep up with those that liked to walk faster. 

It was a good thing that Asherian was all healed up, because there was a passel of spiders waiting for them.  There was one boss giant spider and four regular giant spiders that skittered and hissed in the dark.  With the might of Avric Albright the heroes were able to deprive the spiders of a last meal before they met their death. 

The spiders were hardy and took a lot of might for the heroes to over come, but it was nothing compared to the Etins that were waiting in the next room. Leoric got picked up and thrown to the other side of the dungeon and was pretty much useless when that happened. I am pretty sure that if I hit the back of the wall, I might not be so swift to jump up. The goblin horde that was hiding in the lair were attacking and while they were not doing much damage it was still a challenge to get around them.

Sprig was holding the farmers brother over his shoulder and was trying to make a quick exit to the door.  With a stoke of luck and a  couple of lucky dice rolls Asherain was able to completely knock the  farmers brother out off of Sprig's meaty goblin shoulder and onto the hard cold ground. Swearing and uttering threats, the heroes watch Sprig with more speed than they thought possible escape out of the cave and into the bright daylight. Deciding that it was far wiser to return the wayward villager to the safety of the village  than trying to defeat the Etins, they headed to town.  

I am excited to play the next round on Descent:Journeys in the Dark. Despite there being a million little pieces to set up for the game, each time you play you move forward in the story and add experience to the characters. The heroes were able to level up some of their weapons in town and now are ready for the next leg of their adventure, even if there might be dragons.  

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