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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Angry Viking Press, Evil Diva & Books Galore

I love comics. I love online comics. I have a bad habit of finding an online comic, reading everything they have to offer and then ignore it for months. Pick it up again and binge on the awesomeness there is.  It isn't healthy. I love graphic novels. I like having everything at my fingertips and being able to read it at my leisure. It is a beautiful thing when the online comic that I enjoy becomes a graphic novels. That means I no longer have to be a slave to my computer and the internet and enjoy some really nifty stuff at my convenience    Pleasantly surprised does not begin to cover the emotion I felt when I found Evil Diva in graphic novel at Books Galore in Erie. I was over the moon. I picked it up without hesitation and added it to the growing stack of books that I was going to purchase.

Evil Diva is an online comic that was like candy for me. It is a sugary sweet comic that has an underlying theme of questioning good and evil. In a world were people are either born an angel or born a devil, what happens if some one of an devil natures in innately good? What happens when someone that is supposed to be an angel, is anything but?  This comic is clearly geared to the female tween audience, because I have a hard time believing that a teen boy or and adult man is going to be interested in anything that is primarily pink purple and sugar all over. The language is really easy to ready and clean cut lines and coloring in the comic is easy on the eyes.

I devoured Evil Diva and it left me wanting and waiting for more.  I looked at the label, and was befuddled. I had never heard of Angry Viking Press.  It left me intrigued.  After a quick search on line, I was able to locate their website. I was astounded. Angry Viking is the press the Kickstarter built, and offered pre-order of Evil Diva 2. I think that it is phenomenal that Angry Viking Press is in existence  It takes a lot of bravery to do something you love, and clearly Angry Viking loves on line comics or else they wouldn't be publishing them.

Which leads me to Books Galore. I have never been to Erie before in my life, and was only there for a very important wedding, but some how time was found to go into Books Galore. Oh my gosh! It was a readers wet dream. There were books every where. They had a huge graphic novel section and plenty of back issues out to amuse the masses for hour if not days. Even if you are not into graphic novels, there were aisle upon aisle of books, new books, old books, really antique books. I loved it.  My regret is that I did not have more time to be able to explore this book store and plunder its bountiful riches. The fact that they had a fairly new graphic novel from a fairly new printing press, astounded me. I was impressed with how in tune Books Galore is was with literacy. I adore a book store that when you come in, the walls echo, "We don't care what you read, as long as you read!" No truer words could be spoken by a books store.  Read something. If there was ever a reason to go back to Erie, this would be one of them.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

If My Cats Wrote Horoscopes

A long long time ago when I worked for some one less respectable, I had to be more creative or else I would try to gouge my eyes out with gummy bears.  With the help of an esteemed colleague that was in the same trying not to gouge eyes out stage, we came up with a mini news letter to relieve our pent up creativity. I got to write horoscopes for it. It has been almost a decade since I had the pleasure of writing horoscopes and sometimes I wonder what horoscopes would look like if my cats wrote them.   

Aries 3/21 -4-19
There is a fire in your soul, but that is not surprising since you are a fire sign, but be sure to keep that fire well-tended so that you don’t end up burnt out, cause nobody like burnt brisket.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20
As prepared as you are, there are some things in life that you just can’t foresee and ninja attacks are one of them. As long as your realize this and accept it, all will be well with you.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21
Broken hearts can’t tell time. If you don’t learn from the past you will never enjoy your future.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22
Sometimes it seems like there is one drama after another and all you want to do is hunker down into a ball and wait for it end. But when you are curled into a ball of worry you are keeping all the worries to yourself instead of letting them go. Stretch out!
Leo 7/23 -8/22
Sometimes it is easier to react, then to consider what is really going on.  Going with your gut instinct will only take you so far. Eventually you will need proof to back up your actions.

Virgo 8/23 -9/22
The choices that need to be made are never easy. Sometimes you want to avoid it and hope it will go away, but that will only make things worse. Act now!

Libra 9/23 -10/22
You seek freedom. In order to truly be free, you have to understand what is enslaving you and why.  If you don’t’ understand this, you will never find what you are looking for.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21
Sometime it can be unsettling to live with your choices, but as long as you are comfortable with yourself and your conscience, it doesn’t matter the opinions of others. You can’t be everything to everyone and to try to be is foolish.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21
This year might not have started out as the best for you, but things will begin to look up eventually if you keep a positive attitude to every new challenge presented.

Capricorn 12/22 -1/19
Finding what you want and sticking to your choices is not going to be an easy task. The road to self-growth and awareness is going to be filled with boxes of worry and bags of self-doubt.

Aquarius 1/20 -2/18
It would be good to reach out and strengthen the bots between old friends, because neglected ties will eventually fray.

Pisces 2/19 -3/20
If you stretch yourself too far you will have no room left for yourself. It is easy to understand and to want to help with others, but personal time will renew any dampening ardor.              

Okay, my cats didn't actually write these. I wrote them.  I wrote them a long time ago, but I figured they are kind of like fortune cookies, there isn't really an expiration date on  horoscopes. I would not trust these horoscopes, mostly because I wrote them.  They are pretty much utter horse hockey.   I how ever did successfully get you to look at 12 pictures of my cats.   It may not be a win for you, but it was a win for me.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And All This Over a Stuffed Bear

It isn't easy writing a blog. Some days words and ideas flow out of me like lava out of a volcano. They are hot and world shaping. Other times ideas are more like pearls, brought about by sand and a whole lot of irritation. Most of the time I mull over something a good long time until I feel like I have to write it down or I would have disappointed a part of myself. At times it seems like my writing is border line preachy. It is like I am on some sort of crusade so poke you into accepting what I believe a good person should be.

I am not always a good person, but I try to be. I was going to compose a lengthy post about assumptions, with an antidote from one of my more recent adventures. In the middle of writing this post, I changed my mind. 

Over the weekend I was at an out of town wedding with my husband. We had to sleep in separate beds because they did not have a queen or larger available. I brought a stuffed animal with me because I am a compulsive cuddler. I need to have something tucked under my arm or I don't sleep.  The next morning, the housekeeping staff did their thing (towels, sheets, emptied the garbage) in our room while we took time to check out the local book store.

Returning to the room I quickly surmised that my stuffed animal was missing. The house keeping staff didn't put it in a drawer or tuck it in the covers of the bed. My stuffed animal was missing. My husband figuring that we can inquire with the housekeeping staff that were still working on the rooms on that floor about the purloined bear. The query was for not, because their comrade that had cleaned my room was unavailable at that time and was recommended to speak to the front desk about my loss.

The trip to the front desk had me tumbling with emotions. What if I never got my stuffs bear back again? It was it wasn't like I could get another one. That bear was from my favorite bookstore, the one where I met my husband. It was like a member of the family with the amount of time and adventures I had been on with that white stuffed polar bear.

When I finally made it to the front desk, I channeled my inner customer service rep. I figured that if I ever wanted my stuffed animal again, I couldn't go at the unsuspecting clerk with guns a blazing. It wasn't their fault that this inconvenience happened.

Me: Hi. There was a white stuffed animal in my room. I think it got tangled in the bed sheet when the sheets where changed. Is there a way that we can check?
Front desk: Sure, I can call Claudia in the laundry room to be on the look out for it. What type of animal was it?
Me: Bear
Front desk: (calling laundry room) Hi! One of our guests little girl lost her stuffed bear in the laundry. Would you be able to keep an eye out for it. (Looks at me and covers the mouth piece of the phone) What is your room number?
Me: 230
Front desk: (to person on phone)If you find the bear return it to room 230. (Pauses) Thank you. (Hangs up phone). Give them at least and hour to look for the bear and they will bring it to your room.
Me: Thank you.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the hotel room door and my stuffed animal was returned.

I wanted to write a post about people and their assumptions. Why did the front desk have to assume that I was a mother? And if I was a mother, what gave away the sex of my supposed child. A stuffed bear is a pretty unisex stuffed animal I would think. I wanted to beat my hands upon my chest and scream into the air, "Why cant a grown woman have a stuffed animal?" I wanted to be indignant that some one can look at me and assume that I should be a parent and scathingly blast the person that had helped me, but that wouldn't be right. 

The lady at the front desk did help me. She jumped to a conclusion that lead to the end result that I wanted. Can I be irritated a slight bit that she referenced me as a mom. Yes. I don't have children, and if I were trying and couldn't carry it could have been a real slap in the face. The truth is I am not trying, and I know that I have a way of blowing things out of proportion when I feel like my pride has been impinged upon. It took me awhile to see that the lady at the front desk said the right thing to get the result that I wanted and that I shouldn't be upset by the harmless assumption that was made. If the lady at the front desk had said anything other then what she did I may not have gotten my bear back. Telling a quick sob story about a daughter that lost her beloved stuffed companion in the laundry is certainly more motivating then lady of a certain age crying over is missing teddy bear and accusing hotel staff of theft.

So instead of this being a blog post about assumptions. It is a blog post about learning how to deal with hits on your windshield of pride. I have been called a lot worse things then mom. I am sure there are a lot worse things in my future. However it is up to me on how I deal with them and are they worth the anguish if the end result is the result I wanted.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Second Chance Dreams

A friend of mine posed a question: "If we had a second chance at a dream, what would it be? " Hmmm…A second chance at a dream. Some people would pay big money to get another chance at something.  This question got  me to thinking about all the dreams that I tossed by the way side when I was trying to pick a career as a young and impressionable adult so many years a go.
Dream #1:
I wanted to be an Airline Stewardess. I thought it would be wonderful to travel the world and be exposed to foreign cultures. It would be day in and day out excitement, and would add dimension to my small town up bringing and state of mind. Then suddenly out of know where, a light clicked in my brain. I get motions sickness. And not the, oh well, take a little ginger and you will be fine sort of motion sickness. The sort  of motion sickness that has me trying to find a happy place between despair and nausea with out losing my stomach contents like luggage from a delayed flight.  It doesn’t matter how far I fly, my stomach believes that the entire International Chinese Acrobatic Circus is traveling in its lining. I could only imagine trying to offer some delicious refreshing beverage as I slowly turn green right before the passengers eyes.  It would be a magic trick.  What a fabulous slight of hand that I would have concerning a barf bag and how it got full with everyone watching and no one actually seeing.  I do not want a second chance at this dream.  It would only end in jet lag and stomach acid. 
          Dream #2
I wanted to be a Massage Therapist. I thought it would be fulfilling to be able to assist people with rehabilitating after a serious injury. Unfortunately I realized right away that there are some serious perverts out there that would constantly ask for a “Happy Ending” at the end of any sort of therapy session. Message Therapy has a bad rap of having a boudoir back ground, that I don't think my inner adult would be able to cope with. I am pretty sure that my inner smart mouth teenager would have a field day though.   There are only so many way that I could come up ways to describe genitalia (twig& berries, Sausage & Meatballs etc.) and I do not need to be educated in additional euphemisms. I realized that what I really wanted was to be able to help people without having my profession always be the nudge nudge wink wink sort of thing that the juvenile in me would snicker at when the adult me had a drink or two.  I do not want a second chance at this dream. It would only end in bruised egos. 
        Dream #3
I wanted to be a Nurse.  I thought that it would be thrilling to be an every day hero that would patch up people and send them on their merry way. I would give lolly pops  to all the cute kids that had inoculation shots.   Inoculation shots made me think about how I act when I have to have any sort of shots.  I am not all that pleasant. I whimper and whine and get really snippy with the nurse. At the end I am miffed that that I am never offered a lolly pop and a cool band aid, because I am adult.  Also not only would I have to do injections, I would would have to draw blood. When I was a child the poor nurse drawing my  blood is morphed in my mind into a blood sucking vampire, a daughter or son of darkness.   I do not want a  second chance at this dream. I do not want to feel like I am a blood sucking vampire  at the end of the day with out any of the perks of being a blood sucking vampire.
          Dream #4
I wanted to be a EMT. I thought that it would be awesome to swoop in and save lives every day. I think that I am supremely awesome under pressure and would be able to handle the every day drama that could have. And then I started to think about all the highway accidents out there.  I would have to see horrible horrible things that would never leave the my brain. Things that have been seen can not become unseen. I would have to keep my sanity knowing which ways a bone can come out of the body and  still keep my sanity. No. I do not think that I would be good under that sort of pressure.  I think that I would be crushed if some one were to die on my shift. I think that I would take every loss way to personally, and if I ever had to work on some one that I knew, it would make it ten times worse.   I do not want a second chance at this dream. It would only end in tears.
         Dream #5
I wanted to be a Mortician.  I have a lack of skills with pain, violence and heart  ache. Logically it would be much simpler if I worked with people that would not be able to argue back. I could have a one sided conversation with them, much like I do with my cats and my day would be cool. Yeah. There are a lot worse things then not arguing back at you.  The dead are probably pretty tame, it is the living you have to watch out for.  The idea of having to talk to some one that is grieving unsettles my stomach. I don't have to try too hard to imagine that I would offend someone by talking, since I don't have the greatest amount of tact. I am sure that a game of Boxers or Briefs would be very much out of place at a funeral.  I do not want a second chance at this dream. I do not want to be buried alive by grieving non-dead. 
  I guess the moral of the story is that it is okay if dreams don't work out. It sometimes is for the best. It may not seem that way at the time, because a broken dream is nothing to laugh at. In fact it normally causes quite a few tears.  I may not have one of those glamours jobs that I once dreamed about, but that is okay. Not having that glamour has made room for other dreams and helped me realize what is important to me in my life. Even though I  work hard at my career and spend most of my life working at it, it does not mean that has to be my entire life. My life can be what ever I make of it. A broken dream is just a stepping stone to a path less traveled. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rice & Noodles Simply Vietnamese

There is something sacred about good food. A good meal can make the whole world feel content for just a moment, and make the belief world peace with in a hands grasp.  There are lots of place in Lancaster county that promise contentment by their very name (Intercourse, Bird in Hand, Paradise just to name a few), but I am pretty sure that I found a piece of inner balance and harmony when I partook of a meal at Rice & Noodles.  If there were angels singing and bells ringing, I wouldn't have even noticed, for the amount of bliss I was encompassed in from this meal.

Rice & Noodles is a really tiny eatery, that you could drive past in a blink of an eye. If you didn't know what you were looking for your would miss it. The eatery would be crammed with more than a dozen and half people where there at one time. Thankfully they do take out, or else there could be some major competition for seating.  The first thing that I noticed when entering Rice & Noodles is that the decor reminded me of home kitchen decor. Pictures of vegetables and spices canvased the walls. From my seat in the middle of the room I was able to see part of the kitchen and their beautiful display of french macaroons.  In a way it made me feel like I was visiting my mother after a long absence and being grilled, "Have you et yet? Sit down, I am going to fix you something, you look like you are starving."

The menu was extremely tempting. Having never been to Rice &Noodles before, I took a veteran with me, to at least get her recommend to get started.  Right away we agreed on macaroons, but I can't eat desert first. We both ordered the Jasmine Tea with Lime (Tra Da Chanh).  The first sip is reminiscent of a punch to the face. On a dreary Thursday afternoon I was not expecting the intense lime flavoring to slap me in the face and have me begging for more. After the shock of lime, the flavoring mellowed out a little bit to remind me of a margarita, but without the harsh bite of alcohol.  Or maybe a little bit of the cachaca, if you have ever had it muddled with limes.  If the Jasmine Tea with Lime was any indication, everything was going to be a symphony of taste.

I know that a lot of people don't put a lot of stock in appetizers, because they are already getting a meal and most of the time appetizers don't do their job. The job of an appetizer is to stimulate the desire to eat at the beginning of a meal with small portion of food. I like appetizers, they give me a good idea on the quality of the food I am going to get without having to order more food then I can can eat.  Sausage spring rolls (Goi Cuon Nem Nuong) was the random choice that was made for our appetizers by me, because it sounded good, but everything sounded good. What came out was not good. What came out, good does not even begin to describe.  This seemingly simple looking appetizer rocked my world off kilter for a moment. It was as if I had found a golden ticket in my candy bar. I don't think I could replicate the beauty that happened with the melody of flavors that danced upon my tongue. The peanut sauce that was served with it, was completely and utterly without flaw.   This appetizer knew its job, because by the end of this delicious morsel I was utterly ready for any sort of main course that was set before me, because I had just been granted a moment of food clarity.  This was going to be awesome. 

I can tell you what I ordered but don't even think of asking me to pronounce it. It will only sound like Klingon coming out of my mouth.  Do Xao Ap Chao or for those that slaughter languages even their native it is DX3 Crispy with Chicken.  It has been a while since I have seen a meal so visually pleasing as the Do Xao Ap Chao  is to behold.  The beauty of seasoned vegetables, pineapples and tomatoes stir fried in a spicy garlic sauce topped with cilantro, served with crispy pan fried rice noodles and chicken warms a hungry spot in my heart.  My lunch companion to Rice & Noodles had highly recommended this dish, because it was one of her favorites. I can understand why. It was utterly lovely to eat and I am not sure what I am in love with more, the spicy garlic sauce or the pan fried rice noodles.
 The sauce covered everything and had such a delicate rich flavor that it never once became oppressive. The pan fried rice noodles have never crossed my realm of experience before, so the soft yet crunchy vehicle for the sauce was certainly a novelty. Would I order this dish again? Yes. A thousand times yes. It is hard to recall such a meal in recent history that after I have finished every last possible morsel, that I feel rejuvenated and want to take on the world all at once.

Just when I am ready to take on the world, there are french macaroons that taunt me.  There have a beautiful assortment of french macaroons.  There are a wider variety of flavors and fillings and despite splitting a box of six of their chocolate ganache (Peanut butter, Strawberry and Coconut Almond with the rich ganache filling) with my companion, I ended up buying several boxes of macaroons to take home and share with my husband. The delicate meringue like cookie with a captivating heart of gold was a beautiful finish to a perfect meal.

I would highly recommend Rice & Noodles. If you are looking for something that doesn't hop on the Amish band wagon that most of the Lancaster County promotes (it isn't like it is a bad thing), but would like a satisfying dining experience for not that much money, then Rice & Noodles is the answer to your unasked question.  Rice & Noodles is so good, that I am looking to plan a day around things I can do in Lancaster if it means I can stop here for lunch and experience a little bit more of world peace and harmony  for my taste buds if even just for a moment.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Spinach: A Leafy Story

I like spinach. It is green and leafy and despite it being part of the dirt dozen, it is supposed still be good for you. I thought that I would try and beat the system and grow my own spinach. A bag of baby spinach is $3.99 a bag and a nine pack of garden spinach is $4.99.  It seemed like pretty easy math on my part.

It took three days and two nights to turn a grassy pox ridden spot in my back yard to become a mini flower and vegetable oasis. The ground was clay. Up rooting sod on top of clay jostled every nerve ending of my body. With much thanks, my mother came down with a case of the shits (that is her get out of work excuse) and took a day to help me remove sod and prep the garden.  Every bone, every muscle, and every mental fiber went into the garden and its creation. Perennials were planted.   Two Tomato plants, three pepper plants and six spinach plants went into the garden. It was the dream of a fresh spinach salad.

The only hitch in that plan was the fact that spinach grows at a much faster rate then the tomatoes. I had six very healthy spinach plants that were growing leaves the size of my head and a real blank what to do with spinach other then the obvious spinach salad.  In the beginning I tossed it into soup. Then I tossed it into curry, because I love spinach curry when I go out to eat.  But I couldn't keep up.  It just kept getting bigger and bigger. The abnormal weather we were having of lots of rain following by sunshine, worked as a natural growth hormone. My spinach got huge over night.

After harvesting spinach and giving it away, I still had a whole bunch of spinach left. It kept growing and the more I harvested, the more it came back.  So it was time to get creative. It was time to do something with the spinach. In the last week I have made several spinach dishes and I am oddly okay with this.

Sunday: Harvest all the feasible spinach from the garden and clean it.  Take a portion of spinach and make vegetable soup out of it. Eat a little bit of sauteed spinach with garlic and butter

Monday: Avoid looking spinach in the eye as you make smoothies.

Tuesday: Start spinach and ricotta gnocchi dough and eat chicken salad wrapped in spinach. Make Meat loaf and incorporate spinach into meat dough and bake.  Ignore the flecks of green and just keep

Wednesday: Finish spinach gnocchi and eat left over spinach and other vegetable soup from Sunday.

Thursday: Avoid looking spinach in the eye.

In four days, I have done four different spinach recipes. All taste good and for the most part healthy, but clearly not enough, because I still have more spinach.  I am on the hunt for more spinach recipes that I can incorporate my mutant large spinach in peacefully.  The moral of this story is that if you are going to plant something, be prepared for it to grow and have a plan for produce!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ducks and Aliens

I am pretty sure that birds of a feather flock together and this actual conversation via text certainly proves it. 

Me: What's up?

Faye:Nothing, I am just staring at a mallard that is outside the window

Me: Is the mallard staring back?

Faye: No, He's watching the cars drive past.

Me: That's good. It would be a little weird to be in a staring contest with a duck.

Faye: True

Me: It could be a weird obsession you have that I don't know about it. They might make supports groups for that. 

Faye: lol

Me: I have noticed that you haven't denied it. 


Me: If you deny it now, I would only think that you are trying to cover up the truth. 

Faye: No, they just like me staring at them

Me: So you say you are enabling an obsession that the duck has? Sounds a little weak. Do you speak duck?

Faye: Ooooh! Goslings!

Me: How do you know it wants to be stared at?

Faye: Quack

Me: *quirks eyebrow*

Faye: I only stare in self defense

Me: If you stop staring the duck might attack, killing thousands?

Faye: Yes. I'm staring at the duck for the good of all mankind

Me: Sounds a little feather brained to me.

Faye: That's what they all say

Me: Who is they? Is this a duck conspiracy theory?

Faye: Shhhh! No one is supposed to know.

Me: Oh, Right. We don't want another incident with the men with white jackets again.

Faye: Correct. No more trips to the padded room

Me: Okay. Carry on. Save the world from the deadly duck invasion.

Faye: What do you think would be worse: alien or duck invasion?

Me: A Howard the Duck invasion would have both covered

Faye: Never seen Howard the Duck

Me: Well, that is a special movie in move, duck and space alien history.

Faye: Interesting...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cat Guardian

In the event that something were to ever happen to my husband and I, it was necessary to come up with a back up plan for the cats. I know it sounds a little crazy cat ladyish, but seeing as that I am not close to most members of my family and those that I am close to are closer to being in the grave then out of the grave, and that my husbands family has allergies to my little fur children, I had to come up with something. Below is my creation of the very first (to my knowledge) Cat Godparent Guardian Agreement.  Please remember that my real day to day profession has nothing to do with drafting legal documents, so this could probably be improved on by some one with a more legal mind.  Either way, please enjoy.

Cat Godparent Guardian Agreement

(Insert Date Here)

I (insert legal name here) of (insert address here) being of sound mind and willfully make this appointment that (insert your name here) of (insert your address here) to be the lawful guardian and care taker of the following cats (insert both cats legal names here) for the rest of their natural lives provided that I have relinquished hold upon my corporeal form. 

Please note that picture of the cats in questions have been attached for verification and identification. In signing this document you are hereby agreeing to the following terms:

  • Making appropriate decisions regarding clothing, bodily nourishment and shelter
    • Please note that (insert cats names here) have always been considered indoor cats and should always remain so
  • Consistently maintaining annual veterinary visits
    • Authorizing medical treatments or medical procedures in an emergency situation
    • Clipping claw on a biweekly basis
    • Appropriately maintaining pre-existing conditions treatment
  • Committing to the continuation of mental and physical health
    • This is includes and not limited to the following
      • Cat Toys
      • Scratching behind the ears
      • Belly Rubs
      • Cat designated furniture
      • Daily litter box cleaning
      • Occasional wet cat food or cat treats
      • Windowsill availability 
      • Verbal conversation and recognition of achievements and failures
      • Multiple interactions with various people age, size and culture to further develop mental adaption
    • Please see attached current house sitting expectations for any additional instructions concerning mental and or physical health. 
  • In the event of their demise the following is expected:
    • Two day wake complete with libations.
    • Burial at sundown under a shaded tree or blooming bush at sundown
      • A small plaque or marker should be commissioned for the deceased that has some sort of representation of the deceased prior to becoming deceased.
    • A salute in various birds calls should be made for a full minute in place of a moment of silence
      • If there is no on available to do bird calls a celtic whistle can be used in its stead.
    • Eulogy must be read to an audience of beloved friends and remaining relatives
      • If there are no friend or relatives available a small donation in the amount of local currency that is equal to the age of the cat in cat years should be donated to a local animal shelter in the name of the deceased.
    • If in the event that one cat should pass before the other of natural causes, a companion cat will be provided for the survivor of an appropriate age. 

In Witness where of we have hereunto set our signatures this ___ day of 
____________, 20__.

Signature of Owner


Signature of Cat Guardian

Signature of Witness