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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Deciphering Dreams

I thought I would share something out of my dream journal.  If you are into deciphering dream, I would be interested in your interpretation. 



I had the most terrifying dream. I was teaching my Niece how to drive. We were rounding a corner and instead of easing on to the break and turning she hit the accelerator and went straight in her panic. We drove into a house via double doors and them up the stairs. The nose of the car touched the master bedroom door. We eased the car to the street and the placed the doors against the frame. Then spent time looking for paper to leave a note/ apology. The owners came home and were so happy that we were fine and had meant to replace the doors anyway. The owners name was Debra. My Niece was very sheepish over the whole thing. Like this isnt the first time she has driven a vehicle into a house. I am pretty sure I was more upset than either of them. 

1 comment:

  1. I would say this dream confirms you care very much about your niece. Usually in dreams driving a vehicle is another way of saying "whos in the driver's seat". Aka, you are guiding your niece. Houses usually are indicative of the conscious and subconscious. So if she drove up the stairs to the master bedroom perhaps this is concern that instead of listening to your guidance she ramrods into something you are worried about for her. Since the owners come home and aren't worried about it, and were going to replace the doors tells me that your worry is misplaced and everything will turn out all right.
