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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Butt in the Mail

 Butt in the Mail 

I received butt in the mail.


It wasn’t just a butt, it was cat butt. I don’t know if a friend mailed it to me or if I kickstarted it and forgot about it.  I do know that this might be the strangest unexpected item I have ever received in the mail.  I feel like if a friend did send it, I need to bump of my mail game. 

Of course my brain goes not overdrive with this mystery. Is this cat butt a coded message?  Is really saying “my  dear, you’re a rear” or  “enjoy this piece of tail in the mail?” I can name at least half a dozen people that could be the culprit.  Some of them being family and coworkers. For all I know this could be an invite to bake cookies.

 I don’t know the cat butt origin and maybe it is best that way. No culprits for the kitty cutter have been forthcoming, but I know that if I was to send one in the future I would be cackling to myself the entire time it was in the mail. So, if you are the person that is responsible, I salute you.  You have literally made my day and confused my husband.  Thank you! 

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