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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

April Movie List

I think I might be the only person that did not binge watch movies for the month of April while the world shut down.  My husband had frequent movie nights with his friends, while I worked on a few sewing projects and building furniture for my new and improved lady lair.  One of themes that April seemed to have in movie themes was Bigfoot, the other theme being Cult.  In the very rare instance the two themes combined.  I always have high hopes for a Bigfoot movie, but vary rarely do they pan out.

April List
  • Shriek of the Mutilated 
  •  Dr. Phibes Rises Again 
  •  The Capture of Bigfoot 
  •  Night of the Demons 
  •  Robowar 
  •  MST3K Starcrash 
  •  Night of the Demon
Any guesses on which movies could be considered Bigfoot movies and which ones could be considered cult movies?   While April may have been lax in my movie watching pleasure, it seems that May is starting out a bang.

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