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Friday, January 3, 2020

The 3 R’s

Happy New Year!

It is the new year and time for resolutions, reflections and relevance. 
You might be thinking, why relevance. Or your could be like, hey that is some great alliteration, but seriously why relevance?  That is and excellent question.

Several years back I was chatting with my mother in law about my best friend that lived out of state and she asked me, “How do you stay relevant?”  I know it sounds like a mean question, but it wasn’t intended to be that way. 

I have been best friends with this person since grade school and we have spent most of our time living in separate states. We grew up, got married moved to two different states and adapted to adult life, needless to say it would have been really easy to become a footnote in each other’s life, however we prevailed. 

The answer I gave, was that it was all about want and communication.  It has been several years since I was asked that and I still believe it is all about want and communication.  If you don’t have the want to communicate and put forth the effort,  then you will never be relevant. I think that there is nothing worse than being a footnote in someone’s life when they are relevant to yours.   

My unsolicited New Years recommends is to reflect on your relationships and be relevant to those that are relevant to you. 

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