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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Metro Friendly

My friend Gat and I were on the Metro to DC for a quick girls museum trip.  Any one that rides the Metro knows that it starts out empty and then quickly fills up.  So, Gat and I decided to make a little bet to see who was more approachable.   We sat near each other, but with open seats to the side of both of us.

Gat sat there with a scowl and with an aura of “Don’t even think of touching me” and I sat there grinning like a loon. At first it seemed like no one was going to sit next to either one of us and then five stops later, it happened. 

A very normal looking young lady sat next to Gat and I about fell out of my seat laughing as Gat pouted.  I then promptly congratulated the the young lady that she helped me win a bet.  If that doesn’t break the ice then, nothing does, because we chatted good heartedly until our stop.   

I am sure I could wrap this up with a bunch of theories that people want to sit next to scowling people, because they don’t want to talk. (This is Gat’s theory, since she lost and had to buy me a cup of tea.) Or that my open seat was hidden by a glass pane and the only seat that was visible was the one next to Gat, and you should never make bets your aren’t 90% sure you will win. 

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