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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Odd Change

My purse is a bottomless black hole of weirdness. There is typically an assortment of receipts, lipsticks and fine point pens that live in the bottom of my purse.  Everything in my purse is normal, except for one, two or twenty things that I keep in the change portion of my wallet.

I have over a dozen flattened coins in my wallet. I keep them as a reminder of some of the places that I have been and that there are good times out there.  Not all good times have to cost a lot of money to be memorable.  

I would like to think that everyone keeps something sentimental with them. Check out my friend Faye’s blog (The Hook and the Pen)to find out the odd thing she keeps in her purse. 

Writing Prompt: Describe one odd item that you have in your purse or wallet right now. 

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