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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Favorite Holiday?

As the last week of September drew to a close, and the writing challenge  dwindled down to that last few hours, I had to admit that I was stumped. The last prompt of the week was to talk about "Your favorite holiday and why." That sounds like it should be easy cheesy breezy, but that is not the case.  There are 55 holidays recognized by Hallmark, and 11 of them are federal holidays.  That is not counting such esteemed national holidays, such as National Taco Day (October 4th) or National Coffee Day (September 29th) and Love Your Pet Day ( February 20th).  With so many holidays out there it is hard to pick just one and name it my favorite and a long explanation why.  

Here are my top twenty little known holidays that make me smile:
  1. National Step in a Puddle & Splash Your Friends Day (January 11th)
  2. National Kazoo Day (January 28th)
  3. National Tell a Fairy Tale Day (February 26th)
  4. National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day ( March 13th)
  5. National Quilting Day (3rd Saturday in March) 
  6. National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day (April 12th)
  7. National Free Comic Book Day (1st Saturday in May)
  8. National Dinosaur Day (May 15)
  9. National Wine Day ( May 25th)
  10. National Best Friends Day (June 8th)
  11. National Cheer Up the Lonely Day (July 11th)
  12. National Eat Your Jello Day (July 12th)
  13. National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbors Porch Day (August 8th)
  14. National Video Games Day (September 12th)
  15. National Ghost Hunting Day (Last Saturday in September)
  16. National Moldy Cheese Day (October 9th)
  17. National Cat Day (October 20th)
  18. National Nachos Day (November 6th)
  19. International Ninja Day (December 5th)
  20. National Cat Herders Day (December 15th)

For more wonderful holidays, check out for more holidays than Hallmark has cards for.  Good luck trying to pick a favorite holiday.  As for which is my actual true favorite holiday, I don't have one. I enjoy any day that makes me smile. 

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