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Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I wanted to write this beautiful blog post boasting of the unique relationship my brother and I have and then finish the whole thing off with his recipe for pickled eggs. In fact I had composed a fair bit as a post, and then couldn’t figure out how to work the pickled eggs in without it seeming gimmicky and half baked.  

Instead of telling you how awesome my brother is and inflating his ego, I am going to give you the best pickled egg recipe I have ever had. Not everyone can make a good pickled egg, and since I live in the land of the red beet eggs, it is especially hard to find a pickled egg that is not a maroon or burgundy color.
These eggs are a white pepper pickled egg. The most color they get is possibly a dusty yellow if they gain any color at all.  If you are not a fan of pickled eggs, I would still say to try these, because they don’t lose their egg flavor and are very versatile. I love chopping them up and putting them in salad, or grabbing an egg as a quick protein snack.  This is one of those things that I would have to really really like a person to give them a jar of pickled eggs, and because I don’t like giving my jars away.

Dilled Eggs

1 1/2 Cup White Vinegar
1 Cup Water
3/4 Teaspoon Dill weed
1/4 Teaspoon White pepper
3 Teaspoons of salt
1/4 Teaspoon Mustard Seed
1/2 Teaspoon onion  dried or minced onion
1/2 Teaspoon minced garlic
Pealed hard boiled eggs

Mix everything but eggs together and bring to a rolling boil.  Pour over hard boiled eggs in jars. Water bath for about 15 minutes.  

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