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Friday, March 4, 2016

No Such Thing as a Bad Card

There is something wonderful about receiving a birthday card in the mail.  It shows that the person was thinking of you and that they took the time to show you in a tangible way.  It shows that you are valued and can turn a bad day into something better. 

There is no such thing as a bad card.  One of my best friends decided to test that theory and send me the exact number of cards to the number of birthday years I was celebrating  over the period of my birthday month. I had no idea what I was in for.

There are a whole lot more cheesy birthday cards than I had ever expected.  I received cards with cats on them, cards with words of flattery and plenty of cake and good wishes.  There was glitter and humor and then really puny stuff.  I am pretty sure the cards all ranged from the good, the bad and the ugly cliche. There came a point that my husband asked if birthday cards were my thing because he was getting tired of finding them tucked in odd areas of the house. 

The best thing about the cards is not in the volume that I received or in the quality of their cheese, but in the fact that my friend took the time to write a personal message in each and every one of the cards that she sent.  Some of the cards had random thoughts that were in her head and other talked about past adventure, but all of the cards received that personal touch. It is that personal touch that made it awesome. It didn't matter if she sent one card or thirty four it was the gift of prose that made me smile from my head to my toes. 

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