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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bacon is My Jam

I enjoy canning. There is something about it that give me a feeling of accomplishment. It might have something to do with the fact that when I am done I can physically see what I have accomplished and there are not to many things in life that are like that. It might also have something to do with preparing for the inevitable end of the world and when that happens I will have at least a well stocked larder to get me through the nuclear winter.

It seems like since the cookbook challenge ended, I quit writing about trying new recipes and I have slowed down on trying new recipes.  That is only partially true. I haven't been hitting the cook books all that hard, but I have tried several new recipes as of late.  I have not felt compelled to write about every single new kitchen adventure as it happened, until I came across Bacon Jam. This now one of the favorite new recipes for canning and it is out of the Better Homes & Gardens Canning Summer 2015 magazine that I picked up on an impulse at the grocery store.

When it comes to canning, I look for something that is unique that I will use. I don't want to can something just to have it and then never eat it. It is a waste of food and time.  When I happened across Rebecca Lindamoods article and recipe on how to make Bacon Jam, I knew immediately that I would eat that.  The recipe was amazingly easy and it made my house smell delightful.  The smell of bacon cooking for hours wafting out of my kitchen window may have made some of my neighbors green with bacon jealousy. I know that it made my cats a little crazy and they hung out in the kitchen corners hoping for crumbs while I was jarring.

It isn't all about the smell, because it also tastes like a slice of heaven.  Kaiser roll smeared with bacon jam with a fried egg and sharp cheddar makes the taste buds sing and dance and is a right proper way to great the morning. Bacon jam has become become my jam.  It has found its way into my freezer, but is having a hard time staying there.  I would highly suggest if you are of the bacon eating mind, that you check this out.  It is delicious.

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